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Tuesday Lectionary Leanings
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As seen on the RevGalBlogPals site:

I am starting a new thing with my congregation, a Monday evening lectionary discussion group of the upcoming Sunday's passages. I found that in discussing this new learning opportunity, few people in my congregation knew what the Revised Common Lectionary was, or why/how a preacher would want to use it. If you want to know more about the RCL, go here.

I am concentrating on the Gospel lesson for this upcoming Sunday, Transfiguration Sunday on the liturgical calendar. The passage is Mark 9:2-10.

My initial thought is this: Why is Peter so eager to build a monument to what he has seen?

A few years ago, I had the occasion to visit an actual Olympic village:Squaw Valley in California, the site of the 1960 Winter Olympics. Squaw Valley is now a ski resort, of course. I tried to imagine what it must have looked ike all those years ago, filled with people, and the excitement of the games. But today it is an empty shell. There are signs everywhere commemorating the games gone by, but the Olympic Village looks kind of pitiful by todays standards. The momument they built to those days did not stand the test of time in the way that the games themselves do.

What are the ways we build momuments to our experiences of God? Are we willing to live into the moments of transformation instead of building booths of rememberance of days gone by?

What are your preaching thoughts this week?

(Note to those who are not preaching this week: please participate as well! The more wisdom, the better!)

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