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Iz Dotso: "Warrant-Error"
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Exactly Right!

    Brother Iz Dotso speaks from an archived email message:
    What do you call it when a bunch of armed police bash down the door of somebody's home, crash in and make an uproar, invading the whole house, rifling the kitchen, bedrooms, office, etc., whilst handcuffing the inhabitants on the floor (and sometimes killing one), breaking up furniture, tossing all cupboards and drawers, leaving a huge mess on the floor and a lot of broken things, AND THEN look at a clipboard, announce "Fellas, we've got the wrong address!", and leave, without so much as a "Sorry, folks...", or any repayment for everything broken?

    This is called a         "W A R R A N T - E R R O R" . . . .

    What do you call it when a gang of thugs who have highjacked a government invade the wrong country, blow up a lot of homes and other buildings, kill many thousands of civilian men, women, and children, injure many more thousands, allow the trashing of public utilities such as electricity, garbage disposal, and sewage facilities, allow the looting of antiquities from museums, bomb homes and churches, steal from the populace, generally raise havoc, and refuse to leave, in spite of themselves suffering deaths of many hundreds and injuries of many thousands?

    This is called a W A R - O N - T E R R O R . . . .
    He added that I should do with that text as I wished, so long as I didn't use his name. I haven't, mostly, and now he probably doesn't mind.

    Rustin Peace, Alice Well.

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