
Today is the first day of the rest of the week

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Every second is an eternity to a bug

I just got done re-reading "Catcher In The Rye" It has been 13 or so years since I read the goddam thing and all.

It kills me.

I think I need to spend a month reading some literary criticism like Derrida or Foucalt... just to be able to say...that I read it during free time, for pleasure. Then people would really think I am weird.

May slam tonight. I am ambivalent because I am fatigued... but then again... I really want to slam, but then again I don't want to.

The Bridge thing is continuing. To the poets in the scene, I am looking kind of bad since I am on the bridge and I didn't tell them. But to my brother and uncle and family friends, they dig it.

It is not like I was buddy buddy with a lot of people... I am a loner.

So if I lose anyone's respect or love, well, I never had it anyway.

My goal is to win awards, get books published and be rich and famous.

If I have to be a hermit, because my public is ravenously stalking my sexy ass, then sobeit.

I can live with the trappings of fame, or people thinking less of me because I am undeservingly successful.

I'd rather be hated and rich then loved and starving... either way... You pay for it.

I guess I am pretty bored with not being in grad school. At least when the nastiness happened there, there was potential money, tenure, involved. Here it is just a lot of people who don't like each other, fighting to be on a bridge, and/or then defending the bridge from attackers.

Where's the sex drugs and rockand roll people?

I am sorry but a bridge is not as big as an ocean.

Let us be concerned with the planets. Why is Quaros (SIC) the new planet, not being given it's due?

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