
2 poems

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Both written since August

Both of these are new... the first one is kind of a downer... the second one is more funny...
I wrote these in the last 2 months... so they aren't that new.

Hope you like.


So there I was, climbing on the monkey bars during recess
and these two kids come up to me and asked my six year old self if I was retarded... I said yeah... I had no idea what the word meant... but it sounded cool. Maybe I looked funny, or ugly, or maybe I looked slow as it said in the dictionary as if it could answer their question... but what those kids really meant to ask me was... "Why Are You Different?"
At age 10, I learned what it was like to be on the outside of torment as I witnessed Shawn Williams being spit on by a group of kids at reccess... as he stood on the bottom of the stairwell... They called him a retard... Shawn's great sin was being ugly... having a squinting eye, lookin' like popeye... without any spinach strength to save him in his eternity of need I came in to stop the humiliation pushing the kids away from him, screaming to leave him alone, and I think if I remember right, I suceeded in being the hero for once as the kids backed away, but I was no hero... I was just seeking redemption as I had done my share of taunting Shawn. He had Juvenile Diabetes, and it was strapped on to him like a bomb waiting to take him at any moment... and I remember once calling him a retard for laughing at the Ronald McDonald Clown during a school assembly. I told him it was childish to laugh at the clown, nevermind that we were in fact, children... But what did Shawn care? he just wanted to laugh, for a minute... I found I could be just as monstrous to him by words as the other kids were to him by spit, or to me by fists. I remember the sock to the jaw a bully gave me once for no reason... and as I sobbed wracked with pain, the kids looked on in laughter... Where was Gandhi when I needed him?
But Shawn never laughed at me. Some how the beatings in schools then, seem like Ozzy and Harriet compared to the stabbings and gun violence of our current day Columbines... and some people want more discipline... more beatings to keep kids in line? But to Shawn, I don't think a beating was his main worry, except for the beating in his heart.

20 years have passed.I survive... I still take a beating in life every now and then... but Shawn most likely, is not.

Thank you Shawn!

Froggy Fights Back - 9/24-02

Ribbit, ribbit
remember me
7th grade mrs johnsons biology class
you were wearing very little on the outside
I was in formaldehyde
There we were
me pinned to a dish
and you cut into me
I couldn't move
it was a psychic surgery
it was like I was kidnapped
by aliens but the alien was you
and now you are in the people for the ethical treatment of animals fighting for the rights of my kind now that it is convenient But You are still alive and free!

I missed out because of you!
The Budweiser assholes didn't want a dead frog
Justin Wilson said my kinda frog was no good for cajun cookin'... like my leg was too skimpy to eat.

I starved cuz of you.
My hundreads of 100s of children never knew their father, never saw their old frog catch a fly, never got to show them my real life monet... but you... look at you... Big and tall and living--life!

I am green with envy
I was always a small polywog in a small pond, but you are a big lady in a big electric lady land
and I am swamped, marshed up for all eternity, and Proud Mary is rolling, rolling rolling all over me!

I am a specimen for yo inspection
a sacrifice on the altar of education
Don't plug your nostrils... smell me!
That's the least you can do because you certainly won't be doing time for killing a frog... you won't be facing the electric chair... if anything... you'll just go home and make love to that corporate sell out...

Kermit the frog
Kermit the goddamn frog

Oh hi ho... this is kermit the frog here
and I am licking your ex girlfriend.

Just remember... if you are in love with him
then that makes you Miss Piggy...HYAH
and pigs get disected too....

In the time of Aristophanes we were all frogs then
sacred, free beloved, and we didn't do exactly as we were told.

I don't want your sympathy ma'am just your respect... so next time you cut me... cut me gently, gently, gently... like that

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