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10 argument 1
10 arg 2
10 arg 3
20 Research paper
10 Midterm
10 Quizzes
10 Attendance/participation
10 Presentation
10 In Class Writing/Informal Journal

Explanation of grades

Att/Par Tardiness is not being in class. If you are late, leave early, sleeping, goofing off, leaving the class for large amounts of time, interupting me, chattering, refusing to participate in group activity, etc. I will mark off if I see such misbehavior repeated. After four tardies, Each additional tardy will cost a point off the grade to a maximum of 10 points.

Once I collect the sign in sheet, you are late. If you leave class early, I take a new attendance sheet.

Presentation: At the end of the semester you will stand up in class and present on a subject related to course subject matter. You could recite a monologue, show video clips, slide shows, sing a song, read and discuss your research paper, etc... These are informal and I will grade on a 0,6,7,8,9, 10 for these

Late papers will recieve a maximum of 5 and are not eligible for revision. So if you are taking off for the Bahamas two days before a paper is due, then hand it into me early. If you get a poor grade on a paper handed in on time, you can revise for Grade Improvement due at the end of the semester.

FeedBack: Sometimes I am more rushed to grade papers, and give minimal feedback on papers. If you want more feedback on why you got the grade you did, come meet with me during office hours, or make an appointment and I will be able to go over the paper in depth with you. Don't ask me right after I handed back papers, because I probably won't be very helpful unless I am sitting at my desk with a warm cup of day old coffee and have time to read over your work. Don't hesitate to come to me for suggestions. I also recommend going to the Writing Center. They won't fix your papers for you, but they will show you one or two things you can improve upon. If you go there 4 or 5 times in a semester, that can add up to a lot of knowledge.

10- Excellent, above and beyond assignment criteria, virtually no errors or flaws in the writing.

9- Very Good, a few flaws or errors.

8- good, some flaws, errors that created problems

7- Satifactory. Meets Criteria, contains numerous flaws and errors.

6- Does not meet Criteria, many flaws, errors, perhaps short of required length, misunderstood assignment
1-5-- Degradations of a 6. Not acceptable work. 5 is usually the max given for late work
0- Any work not turned in at all. Exam or Quizzes that are missed.

No Make up work without valid official excuse from the University, Medical, Religious affiliated institutions.

Car Trouble, Printer Problems, Baby Sitter Problems, Common Colds, being called into work, not acceptable reasons. If paper is turned in late, you get a maximum of 5. No Exceptions! While these things are unfortunate, I do allow for papers to be handed in the day of the assigment is due by turning it in ( and getting it time stamped) at the English Department.

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