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I can not say with any certainty that I know how to write well
and yet I am teaching first year composition at another institution in our beloved state. Still, I must address that the issue of clarity is one that I have issue with. How do we know if we are really being clear? We can never be too sure. I find that the more clear I try and make myself, the more muddled I get. Perhaps I am getting old prematurely? Could be all the hard living.

Also consider that large institutions or any for that matter tend to be somewhat stifling in their very natures. Schools and universities fall in line with an authoritarian/militaristic undercurrent. Even progressive institutions such as Antioch fall prey to this.
In high school, I would often not read the books assigned in english, thus flunking my junior year, yet, I was reading Hesse, Kerouac, Burroughs, and Salinger at home.

Perhaps my learning disability is to blame for this... dysgraphia, remedial education, in effect... I was the lower third.In remedial 9th grade English for instance, we watched Romeo and Juliet on vhs, through a haze of spitballs. In mainstream courses, they read the play in dreary monotones unaware of the hormonal overtones in the language. The AP kids, they probably got it, or perhaps they were too stoned to care.

I have failed many courses in my life including English courses in my ten undergraduate years. In fact I failed composition a few times, and dropped it many more. That hasn't stopped me. I also think that my own students often write better than I do, and my opinion hasn't changed even after teaching for 8 years.

I do not consider myself a good writer. Merely an adequate one. I can write a paper that will eek out a B. I can communicate some semblance of meaning even after 30 years of
education. Somehow... I still make sense on occasion. God knows, but one of these days... I might even learn how to use ellipsis correctly. On that day, I will probably get kidnapped by martians.

I must say that in pursuing higher education, I have ambitions of having a professorial career, perhaps one day being worthy of being published and god forbid, read, but I came here to continue to learn how to write, with a sense of humility, that I really don't know anything about writing at all.

I can only hope that I can communicate more clearly and persuade the audience for good ends. I hope I can add something creative to the language rather than harmful.

The language will evolve, I hope I do too. One of these days, I hope to write a paper in text message speak. Maybe even write a novel. I may even turn into a ray of sunshine and become fluffier than a down jacket. Oh the thrill!

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