All right, since everyone else is doing it, I decided to do a Year in Review entry as well, borrowing
Greg's template.
Not bad. Enjoyed relatively good health until August when I contracted a six-week bout of one of the rarest cases of mononucleosis there is. I lost fifteen pounds because of nausea and lack of appetite. But I'm better now, and pretty happy.
Big-time news here. I met Janet while at Clarion this summer, and fell head over heels for her at the end of the third week. She's smart and beautiful and funny and there's no possible way in the universe that I deserve her. I finally feel like I've discovered that missing part of myself. I'm the luckiest guy in the world.
Day job
After a long time of wanting to leave my last job, I finally got the opportunity when I was accepted to Clarion. I was told that there was no guarantee I'd have a job when I got back, so I started searching for one, and luckily enough, found one where my work is appreciated and I don't have to deal with clients anymore.
Saw my parents on a fairly regular basis, and went over to their house for lots of computer issues. Only saw Kristin a couple of times this year, which is just unacceptable. I'm going to have to go up and visit her in New York again next year. She's moving to a new apartment in Brooklyn (this week, hopefully) and really wants me to come up and see it.
Kept some old friends, made some new ones, and had to watch one get married and move to Florida. My friendship with Jamie got stronger, I got to know Mike better, and I hear from nearly all my fellow 2002 Clarionites on at least a monthly basis, if not weekly. Plus, I made some new friends through this journal and others.
Did too little of this. I barely went to the gym this year, wasting gobs of money on my Gold's membership. But it's expired now, so I don't have to pay anymore. Yes, my life is a Friends episode.
Quit almost completely, shifting over to tea, which doesn't have as much caffeine and is less harsh on my stomach and my nerves. Long live English Breakfast.
Drove all the way up to East Lansing, Michigan for Clarion, and drove all the way back afterward. The way up was exciting because it was the longest trip I'd ever driven by myself and I was anxious to get to the workshop. And the way back was exciting because Janet was in the car with me and kept me company.
Not sure of the exact count, but I probably read around 40 or 50 books this year.
Sold two short stories ("One Big Crunch" and "Shiny Diner Blues") to The Dream Engine. Got non-fiction essay ("The Old Switcheroo") accepted by ICFA for presentation at the next conference, and sold to Darrell Schweitzer for The Neil Gaiman Reader. I'm hoping 2003 will be an even better year in this regard.
I've got 8 stories out making the rounds as of right now, and my writing has definitely gotten better. I'll be starting back on my novel An American Symphony in the next week.
Find ways to be able to spend time with Janet. Get a complete draft of the novel finished by this time next year. Visit Kristin in New York. Lose weight. Get published in a pro market.
I've had a very good year. Nearly everything I wanted to happen this year happened, and I've probably used up all my good karma for the rest of the decade. Let's hope 2003 is just as good. See you next year!
Now Reading:
The Great Automatic Grammatizator and Other Stories by Roald Dahl
Stories Out to Publishers:
Novel Word Count: