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2007-06-17 5:11 PM NYC Premiere and Official Hang THE SCREENING
The NYC premiere of I LOVE YOU, I'M SORRY, AND I'LL NEVER DO IT AGAIN will be at the ACE Film Festival Saturday, August 25, at 3:17 PM. (I'll explain the weird time in a minute.) You're invited! It looks like a good-sized screen in a nice venue directly across from the New York Stock Exchange, and I'll find a bar or something for us to hang out at after the screening. THE TICKETS ACE isn't offering individual screening tickets, only day passes. But I can't very well ask everybody I know to spend that kind of money just to come see my 15-minute film, so here's the deal: I bought a bunch of passes at a reduced price. If you want to attend, you buy one of them from me, for $12, using this button: You do not need a Paypal account to use this button. Credit cards also work. $12 is way less than you will be able to get these for in any other way. (And when this block sells out, I'll buy another block and we'll keep doing it this way.) That gets you a pass to the ACE Film Festival all day, Saturday, August 25, for the price of a regular movie ticket. Sounds like a deal? Sounds like a deal. It's will-call, so after you buy, I'll let you know in email what you have to say when you show up at the Broad Street Ballroom. As for the weird time (3:17 PM), it's because they aren't selling individual screening tickets. They just run movies all day, and you can go to whichever ones you want with your day pass. 3:17 is when ILY happens to pop up in the schedule. So come early, watch a bunch of flicks, catch our NYC premiere, and then come hang with us afterward. (And if you're only coming to see ILY, make sure you're seated by the start time.) THE CATCH In order to get the pass for $12, you have to be attending the screening of I LOVE YOU, I'M SORRY, AND I'LL NEVER DO IT AGAIN. Other filmmakers at the festival (or random people who found this entry through a Google search) can get their day passes the regular way: $40 at the ACE ticketing page. THE HANG The hang will be immediately after the ILY screening, at some bar or restaurant I haven't figured out yet. Any suggestions from NYC locals? This is the official cast/crew/friends premiere party, so I'm hoping to get a crowd going. Everybody is welcome--and if you have an idea for using the event to get a little press, or know somebody who knows somebody, I'm all ears. (Not to mention that the media gets in free. So if you're media, don't spend twelve bucks. Just let me know you're coming and I'll tell you how to get a press pass.) I think that's everything... Read/Post Comments (3) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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