outtamyhead sometimes it all comes outtamyhead, and sometimes i'm just outtamyhead. period. i guess i started this journal thingy out of boredom at a job i used to have. i stay here because i've come to know and love some of the people i've "met". you know who you are!!! |
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2007-04-14 11:09 PM elsa's stolen meme 1. Do you still talk to the person you lost your virginity to? absolutely not. he's married, has been for some time, and yet when i went to our 20 year high school reunion, he wanted to pick right up again where we left off. i really feel sorry for his wife.
2. Is it harder to be rejected or to reject someone? i'd always rather be the one getting hurt than doling it out. but yeah, both are tough. 3. What kind of music did you listen to in elementary school? whatever my parents were playing, johnny cash, glen campbell, i remember some big band swing kind of stuff. 4. What is the best thing about your current job? i get to work in whatever clothing i want, and closed toe shoes, cuz of the knives, ya know? and i'm constantly dropping it. plus, they're really flexible. that's the best part actually, but jeans and t shirts are such a bonus! 5. Do you wish cell phone etiquette was a required class? duh. 6. What's the last thing you drank? water 7. Name one thing that makes you squirm. that tv commerical about the toe fungus medicine, you know, the one where the little digger guy lifts up the toenail and goes in??? egadsssssssssssss 8. Where are you going on your next vacation? vacation? whatsa vacation??? 9. Have you ever thrown up from working out? yeah, when i was young and used to run, i threw up a couple of times. 10. Are most of the friends in your life new or old? most are old like me. 11. Have you ever gotten so wasted you didn’t know what was going on? um, yes. most definitely. 12. Do you like pulp-y orange juice? no, i like mine strained. 13. Are you touchy feely? depends on who's around to touch and feel!!! 14. Did you cry at your high school graduation? like an idiot, probably fear of the future that did it to me, and yes, it was justified crying. 15. Do you prefer the tanning bed or the sun? the sun, always the sun. 16. What are two of your favorite places to eat? we have a tea room here in town, very fancy and very expensive, but i love it for a girly treat. also, right next to the shop where i work is a cajun/creole place that i love because of the food and the very laid back atmosphere. 17. What could you tolerate...someone who snores or sleep walks? sleep walking i think, simply because i used to date a guy who snored so bad i couldn't sleep. it was the most horrendous snoring i've ever heard, and i used to think my dad was bad. 18. Do you consider yourself bi-polar? yes, no, yes, no... 19. What's something your friends make fun of you for? i hiccup really loud. 20. What's your worst personality flaw? i'm co-dependent, but i'm getting better! 21. What's your favorite type of soup? anything they serve at the above mentioned tea room. 22. Would you ever parachute off of a plane? there's about as much chance of that as there is of me eating raw snails i just picked up off the sidewalk. 23. Have you ever ridden an elephant? yes, in glasgow, kentucky at a little outdoor carnival in the parking lot of a grants department store. the bastard farted on me while i was waiting to ride. 24. Are you Irish in any way? yeah, on my dad and mom's side, altho i don't know exactly who or when or all that stuff. 25. Have you ever ridden in a U-Haul? more times than i want to remember. i've moved a lot in my life. 26. Do you like to play Scrabble? hate it. 27. Have you ever been to a nude beach? again with the snail thing. 28. Have you ever drank Jack Daniels? you had to go there, eh??? 29. Have you ever had sex on the beach? now that i would do, as long as it were private, not like the nude beach thing. i've had the opportunity, but apparently not the right partner. 30. What are you saving your money up for right now? ditto elsa... 31. What was the last gift card you received? amex from dad - christmas. 32. Who do you like right now? wouldn't you like to know??? 33. Does the number of people a person's slept with affect your opinion of him or her? everybody's gotta be somewhere, right??? 34. Do you give money to bums? of course 35. What do you do when you spot a bug in your house? depends on what kind of bug it is. spider? squash it. ants? spray the hell out of em. roly poly or catterpilar??? take em outside. 36. What is your favorite Disney movie? beauty and the beast. bar none. 37. Where were you 1 hour ago? here at home, talking to connie on the phone in the kitchen. 38. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? see question 37. 39.What was the last thing that really made you smile? to hear my aunt say that she and my ailing uncle have had 86 good years on this planet, and that that was more than most people get. Read/Post Comments (2) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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