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2004-08-03 3:37 PM yes, in 2004 A few months ago our church hosted a lecture series for the church and the community at large. My role in these lectures was minimal, mainly just introducing myself as associate pastor, welcoming everyone to the church, and getting the program going.
After the first evening's presentation had concluded, a young woman in the audience who looked to be about 16, pretty, with an inquisitive face, waved me over. We exchanged a few pleasantries--she's a member of a conservative offshoot of our denomination--and then she said brightly, "I wondered if you could explain what this means to you." She handed me an open Bible. I Corinthians 14:33-35: As in all the churches of the saints, women should be silent in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be subordinate, as the law also says. If there is anything they desire to know, let them ask their husbands at home. For it is shameful for a woman to speak in church. Sigh. I glanced into her innocent-looking face. Was this an honest question, or was it a trap? No indication. In a way I wish I had thought to ask her what it meant to her. It would probably have been the pastoral thing to do. Or perhaps it would have given her an opening just to come out and say what I later came to find out she meant, which was, "It means that you have no business leading this gathering." Instead we went nicely and pleasantly off to the races. First it was my turn: ...cultural context ...Paul speaking to a specific situation ...Jesus Christ was about breaking down barriers ...Galatians says we are all one, there is no longer Jew or Greek, male or female I can do this in my sleep. And off she goes? ...Galatians was just talking about salvation, not about our roles here on earth... ...This is God's word; take it seriously ...We cannot pick and choose [In my mind: We (you) pick and choose all the time, or did you leave your head covering at home--but whatever.] I was polite. I was direct. I was sad. Are we really still arguing about this in 2004? I honestly do work hard to hear multiple sides of an issue. Liberal fundamentalism is one of my pet peeves. But this is one place where I simply cannot. The issue of women's leadership in the church is not an abstract theological concept for me. It is about Me being created in the image of God, for-the-love-of-God. I simply cannot listen nicely and nod and affirm as "an interesting way to look at it" a point of view which involves my denying my gifts--gifts which, I am simple-minded enough to say, are God-given. I cannot do it. It's not an interesting way to look at it. It's an impoverished way to look at it. My empathy has its limits. Perhaps it is a character flaw. Read/Post Comments (19) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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