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2005-09-15 4:40 PM it's the most wonderful time... ...of the year!
The ubiquitous Fall Meme: Favorite fall dessert: R’s pumpkin-pecan pie. Custardy pumpkin on bottom, crunchy-gooey pecan on top, crust that is never burned (thanks to his impeccable precision with the oven—he has been known to sit in front of it, watching). It Is To Die For. Holiday: Thanksgiving. Family and food. I love the parades. New Thanksgiving tradition: Setting the Tivo to record all the upcoming Christmas programs I’ve seen a jillion times. Best fall memory: My wedding was the most important fall event, but it was 85+ degrees and muggy that day in Houston. So my best fall memory that actually felt like fall was the trip to Mendocino/California wine country fall of 1999, hopping from winery to winery in a convertible with the countryside ablaze with color. Ending the day at Café Beaujolais, then a fire in the fireplace where we were staying. That was one of my top five days ever. Runner-up: Our honeymoon in Española, NM, staying on the banks of the Chama River in our own private adobe casita. And it's still there! Worst fall memory: Oh, 9/11 works, I guess. Most puzzling fall memory: On our honeymoon we went to Bandelier National Monument in New Mexico. I was afraid to climb the ladders to the cliff dwellings (although I did it). They were perfectly safe. What was I afraid of? Best thing about fall walks: I love the feeling in late summer/early fall when the sun still feels blazing hot, but the bursts of breeze are soothing cool, seeming to come from some other world. Favorite fall chore: Taking my wool sweaters out of the cedar chest and breathing deeply. Least favorite fall chore: If I don’t enjoy it, I probably don’t do it. (Sad but true?) Best change in the home: I love the open windows and the slant of the sunlight. Wonderful smells in the oven. Favorite flower: The ones R gives me on our anniversary. Also, I love big smelly rubrum lilies—we had them at our wedding. Best tree in the fall: Aspen trees—brilliant yellow leaves against a blue New Mexico sky (honeymoon again) Fall ritual: taking C to local farm/fun place with hayrides, petting zoo, slides, cider, entertainment, family fun Most frustrating thing about fall: It’s not longer! Favorite childhood game:Jumping in piles of leaves. Favorite childhood memory: In 6th grade, a Halloween/costume dance right after school, after which I walked to church for Wednesday night dinner and youth group meeting. The air was full of autumn--excitement and melancholy at the same time. How is that possible? Favorite decorations: We have some old dried corncobs that are all different colors—we put them in a big cornucopia—always cheers me. Favorite clothing: Scarves. Best scenery: North Georgia has some beautiful vistas. Best fall travel tip: Get where you’re going on Tuesday if you can. Favorite drink: Definitely cider. Best method of transportation: Convertible—see Mendocino entry above. Traditional fall candy: Caramel corn. Favorite Sound: Last year it was C walking from house to house on Halloween saying, “Too-tee-teet!” This year, who knows? Best for fall sex: “Pure Christian” said flannel sheets—good answer. Fall song: “First Day of Autumn” by Anne Hills, on the Women of Kerrville CD: “On the first day of autumn, she’ll buy apples and wine, drink until she’s young, slow-dancing with time…” Runner-up: “Now Thank We All Our God” great Thanksgiving hymn. Reliable prediction: This fall will go even faster than normal as we busily prepare for Gertie’s arrival. Best fall television show: the Great Pumpkin. End of discussion. Read/Post Comments (5) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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