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Read/Post Comments (2) Hello, I am YFAT or Lo. I have been writing/around on Journal Scape for over a decade now. Time flies! This journal chronicles my random thoughts, high moments and sometimes low, throughout high school, college, and now beyond, into the world of "adulthood", whatever that means. Sinerely, ~Lo |
2008-05-03 6:21 PM May thoughts Five days of classes left.
WHAT?!?!? Kind of crazy. How is it the end already? High school feels like it took forever and here I barely know what day it is. I did my laundry and I'm hoping it is the last time I will have to do until I leave. However I made the mistake of leaving my detergent down in the laundry room without labeling it and entirely forgetting about it. It was still like half full. I go down and grab it and there's maybe 2-3 loads left in it. I was like "Shit, I'm never leaving my detergent down here again." Thankfully I'm pretty economical about laundry. I do it every two weeks to once a month so my laundry detergent has lasted me the entire school year. Yeah, I'm shnazzy cool like that. I got off campus briefly yesterday which was nice. Vickie and I went to Applebees together and then wandered through the mall picking up stuff we needed, like in my case drawing supplies and with her it was food. I splurged on myself and bought three CDs but they were $9.99 and if a CD is $10 or under I'm mostly likely buying it. I bought Alicia Keys' "Diary of Alicia Keys" and "Songs in A Minor". I also bought Usher's "Confessions". I am steadily trying to up my collection of R&B music. It is a genre in which I am lacking and greatly enjoy. It's funny though, Guy and I both like John Legend a lot. Guy is always like "He's gonna my future husband1" and then Sammy calls him a Monkey Man and Guy's like "Don't make fun of your future brother in law!" Guy and Sammy both call each other twins (though Guy is older than Sammy by six months) because they think they look alike. Personally I don't see it (perhaps because I'm always with them and Guy is curvy and loud where Sammy is flatter than a pancake and quiet[until you get to know her of course. :-P]). I'm going to miss my ladies and to some degree the few men that I know on campus. Less Paul lately. He made a BIG booboo on Wednesday night that I should be more pissed off about than I am. It made me realize the extent of his immaturity and a bit of the glamor fell away from him. Anyway we're sitting in the lounge and he said something pretty stupid that made me chuck a shoe at him. He blocks it. I attempt again. Another block. Well being a determined person I throw my paperback copy of Lord of the Rings at him but I don't realize that just then he's taking a drink of soda. Well I get him but apparently the soda splashes in his face. So he has a hissy fit and dumps the soda on my chest and then proceeds to dump it on the floor! My first reaction was to get floor cleaned up and utter amazement that he would even do that. I mean this was a nice lounge too and I found it more disrespectful to the environment at first than it was to myself. I should not have cleaned up but that's my shock reaction, clean shit up, then be mad later. Well I am mad. He hasn't apologized which amazes me too. And yes, I have talked to him but every time I feel like my eyes bore in to him like "Do you have an idea what you look like in my eyes now?" Needless to say I'm no longer going anywhere near him if I can help it. I'm not like pissed but I'm just appalled. I would think that he had better conduct than that. And he's guilt tripping the shit out of Vickie about stupid things like rubbing it in her face that she didn't get the RA position after he was pretty burned about not getting it himself. He's doing the "asshole without realizing it" asshole thing. That and there are days when I'm like "I don't give a flying fuck about ninjas or pirates or comics! KAY?!" Not out loud but in my head. There are sometimes when I just sort of let him rip and then actually day dream about something else entirely. I'm a very good "listener". But then my listening tolerance stops and I'm like "Hey shuz your mut up now. I don't caaaayre." He has more obsessive tendencies than even I do(though I think mine have toned down or veiled themselves more with age). Mmm. Anyway. A lot of my friends keep asking me about the creative writing courses here and I tell them that I haven't taken any, have barely written creatively at school. Of course ideas flow through my head all the time but by the time I grab my pen they're floating away. I'm still somewhat inspired by the fireworks though. I have a war piece floating around my head, about a soldier come back from service and then hating the Fourth of July because it is no longer a celebration but a key that unlocks memories from the past of exploding bombs and gun fire. That's what fireworks symbolize anyway. It just kind of changed in me spring weekend. I didn't enjoy them. I first thought of the sound of my school's civil war cannons. Then I thought of the smoke in the air, the impact of that on the environment and then I thought of those in Iraq and the sadness that fireworks brought rather than wonder. My happiness was posed as the campus ooed and aahhed at the light desplay. Well I better get going, get some more essay written. Peace. ~Lo Read/Post Comments (2) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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