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Pretty ordinary

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Spent most of today running errands and getting back into job-hunt mode. I dropped off some copies of my resume at the temp agencies I never hear from and got my resume online at another job site. It's depressing, but I did manage to get a fair bit done. Hopefully I can be as productive tomorrow!

I seem to be finding it difficult to get back into short story mode, being blocked in Heavy Rains and not feeling particularly excited about starting anything new.

I think I just need to sit down and sort through every possible scenario I can think of that might resolve the plot hole, then pick the best one and get stuck into it. I also have a bunch of updates to make based on the most recent crit, but these are quite trivial.

Pretty soon I should be hearing back about The Other Side, which means I won't have any stories doing the rounds! It's always comforting to have at least something out there, which is why I want to get the aforementioned plot hole fixed ASAP.

I do have an idea in mind for the next story, but I still need to come up with a fair bit of detail before I can make a start on it. It seems like the type of thing that would flounder if I plunged straight into it without any further thought.

So what do I do to kick-start my snoozing muse? Perhaps I should set myself a deadline - say a story in a week, and just get to work? Maybe I need the pressure to get something done? It seemed to work pretty well when I wrote a short in 2 hours of frenzied typing a year or so ago. Sure, the end result was quite rough around the edges, but it wasn't anything some editing wouldn't fix!

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