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The 'Zine to end all 'Zines
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Update @ 6pm: I guess I've reeled enough people in...


Apologies if I disappointed anyone, but I just couldn't resist posting an April Fool's gag based on what Locus did today. The entire post below (filled with hints, I might add) is another such April Fool's joke.

Normal joke-free entries shall resume forthwith!

The Management


Ever since I started this journal, I've been toying with an idea that I think could have a lot of potential. A fellow Journalscaper's call to action last year made me even more enthusiastic about this idea.

With the New Year, I began to think more seriously about this idea, and began to take steps to make it a reality. Up until now, I have told very few people about this. Quite frankly, I think a lot of people would find it hard to believe that I'd even have the guts or finances to give an idea like this a chance...

So without further ado, I'd like to announce a new online Spec-Fic 'zine I'll be putting together - "Astounding Visions"!

I initially considered starting this as an science-fiction only zine, but reconsidered when I realized that I also enjoy reading a lot of Fantasy, Horror, and Odds n' Sods (ie a blend of genres) stuff. So I'll be considering submissions from any of these genres for the 'zine. I think a good rule of thumb is that anything with a defined speculative or fantastic element would be a good fit.

I'm still in the process of deciding on the guidelines. Hopefully I'll have those up later this week (no guarantees, however), along with the initial version of the site. For now, I can provide a couple of details:

* Astounding Visions will be published online every month, with possible weekly updates depending on how my finances are holding up (I'm thinking flash fiction may be a good option)
* Word count limit is 8,000 words (this is a soft limit, however).
* Astounding Visions pays 30 cents per word on acceptance (no, that is not a typo).
* Send submissions in standard manuscript format as .DOC attachments (or .APF is fine, too). I'll post the email address for submissions once the site is up and running and ready for submissions.
* Simultaneous submissions are not acceptable, however I will consider multiple submissions.
* I will also be actively seeking reprints from big-name SF authors or the estates thereof.
* The first issue should be up well before April 1st next year!

So how do I propose to fund this wonderful new 'zine, you may ask? Good question. I have sufficient funds allocated to cover two year's production, and I intend to generate additional funds through advertising, product placement (I'll talk more about this in the guidelines), and direct marketing efforts. Publishing online means I won't have to worry about all the associated costs that are involved with publishing a print mag.

With such a high pay rate, I expect to attract only the best the field has to offer. With a bit of luck, other markets should follow my lead and start paying authors enough to pay the bills, put food on the table, a roof over their heads, and plenty left over for other things.

If they don't, then they'll just find they're left with the scraps (no offense) that fall from my table! Print mags and big online players (you know who you are), watch out >BD

I'm hoping that this will encourage more young writers or wannabes to enter the field, since writing genre fiction will become a viable means of earning a living. This new 'zine should get those poor sods with dreams of being writers out of wage slavery and into a comfortable life of writing, earning at least as much as your typical dot-com exec before the big bust!

For now I've hired PR firm, "Lirpa Loof & Partners" to handle publicity, press releases, marketing, and so forth. Their services are costly (especially at this time of year - they charge like wounded bulls!) so I'm planning on handling all that stuff myself once the 'zine gets off the ground.

Please direct all queries to Watafu Liam, PR Director at 1-800-555-3665.

I'll post more about my writing progress, what I ate for lunch, why I think writers are cool, etc in my next entry. Thanks :D

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