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Peak Oil
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I read this scary article about Peak Oil at this evening.

I first heard about Peak Oil, as it is called, two years ago, and the alarming predictions were being made back then too. The problem has been discussed for decades, but it's only now that we're really starting to notice the effects, with sharply rising oil prices and the obvious political implications thereof.

I'm not sure which is scarier--the fact that everything will change, or that everyone has their heads buried in the sand and are hoping the problem will go away. It's only a matter of time before everything goes to hell in a handbasket.

I've heard proposals for the creation of something akin to the Manhattan Project, only for alternative energies, and I reckon such a thing is well overdue. Let's hope the world manages to come up with some solutions, and we don't find ourselves in a situation straight out of an apocalyptic science fiction disaster tale....

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