Thoughts from Crow Cottage

(soon to be retired)

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Responsive Government at Work

Recently, in the blogisphere, there was an underlying conversation going on, albeit low-key, about the drama that's been going on in Washington, D.C., with regard to the government shut-down and the debt limit crisis, etc. Whenever it's been mentioned, I've responded by saying that we all needed to at least communicate with our elected representatives and let them know we are not going to be pushed around any longer, if they didn't clean up this current mess, they would never get my/our vote again.

I did that. I found the websites of my House representative and our Senators, and I basically, in different wording for each, gave them that message. No more voting in incumbents if something could not be done - and soon!

Yesterday, I heard back from one of my representatives and, rather than communicating back to me in layman's terms how sorry he/she was and how things were going to change, this was the reply, verbatim:

Dear (me),

Thank you for your recent correspondence regarding the federal government shutdown and the debt ceiling. I welcome the opportunity to respond.

First, I value and appreciate the work done by the approximately 2 million federal employees nationwide. Their efforts provide critical government support and services for all Americans. On October 1, when there was a failure to appropriate funds for the purpose of carrying out federal government functions, the law required that all employees be "furloughed," provided a limited number of employees - narrowly defined in the statute = could be excepted from furlough. I agree that the result was troubling, and I voted 16 times to restore governance as well as signed a "discharge petition" trying to force a vote on the matter. Unfortunately, Speaker Boehner refused to allow a vote until the government had been shut down for more than 2 weeks and we were about to default on our debts.

On Wednesday, October 16, 2013, government appropriations - albeit at a low level - were passed and all government functions will be operative at least through January 15, 2014. The debt ceiling - which provides for payment of past due debts, not future spending - will allow payment of debts at least through February 7, 2014. Congress must use the interim period to resolve budget differences so that the whole next fiscal year's spending is set once and for all.

In the end, great damage was done by those who refused to work with others toward common sense solutions, and who even tried to nullify established law by threatening a shutdown. Government cannot operate with repeated, manufactured crises. Hopefully, Speaker Boehner's determination to finally allow a vote on a continuing resolution signals that the Republican majority will no longer attempt such a threat to our democracy.

Again, thank you for contacting me. Please feel free to do so regarding any matter of concern to you.


So, I already knew all that. I guess I just want an apology for things such as the 2-1/2 day work week that Congress enjoys, the lavish paychecks that Congress continued to get while 800,000 workers, who really needed the money, got nada, oh and an apology for the various congressional members who were complaining during the shutdown that they didn't have enough towels in the gym on Capitol Hill. Something along those lines.

I didn't see that.

Therefore, I plan to vote for candidates in upcoming elections who are NOT incumbents. If you are IN THE JOB, you get no vote from me. And until all of the citizens of this country do that, we can only expect more of this same shafting of the rest of us by our employees, these politicians.

If I hear back from any of the others I wrote to, I'll keep you abreast.

As ever,


It's in every one of us to be wise;
Find your heart, open up both your eyes.
We can all know every thing without ever knowing why.
It's in every one of us, by and bye.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

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