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2015-07-18 11:21 AM Saturday Morning Stuff Hello again friends,
I've just spent a long time typing out an email to a relative of mine who asked about what to see in and around the London area - and I had to think and think of what to say because we have never been IN London, per se, but I wanted to offer suggestions for other places they could visit if they wanted to venture out a bit. That took me a while to compose and now my fingers are very achy and sore from all that typing. So, as usual, this will not be long. Paul is planning on going back to work this coming week. Monday would have been the day but it may be bad weather here on Monday and maybe even Tuesday and Wednesday, so not sure if the weather will allow him back to work. He has been slowly and progressively healing. He's almost back to his old self, in my eyes, but I know he's still very different inside. A brain injury is nothing to be sneezed at! We both feel for the myriad of athletes who get one, two, three, four and more brain concussions in their careers and then are left with diminished brain function in their older years. It's not something we ever thought about before, but now we KNOW! The brain is so essential to the functioning of the entire body and one tiny little insult like a small bleed into it, and all hell breaks loose! Paul was the worst whilst on the Keppra (anti-convulsant) medication. Once he stopped that after 7 days, he improved a lot and continues to improve. However, every day he goes upstairs and lies down and tries to nap, but he never can fall asleep during the daytime really. I can, but he can't. He "rests" for several hours every day and that is so NOT like him... a result of his injury. I give him little chores around here so he won't go stir crazy. He is used to working every day of the year, and having all this free time is foreign to him. ![]() ![]() So chores are the answer. Small things, like taking the dogs for a short walk down the hill and around the back of the neighborhood near the woods. Happy Dogs! And mowing the lawn. Also, I had him retrieve a maple bed up from the basement yesterday that I wanted to use for my bed, and we did that. He couldn't have done all that a week or two before, and we both had a hard time. We got it done, however, and then we both crashed on our respective beds and napped ![]() Sometimes he'll just come into the Reading Room with me and sit in his chair over by the fireplace and just watch the birds out the window. ![]() All for now. Cheers, Bex & Co.
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