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2015-10-15 3:01 PM Sugar-less and Fancy-free Just an update on the cutting down on sugar in my life.
It's been a very l-o-n-g time since I have been this faithful to any kind of diet change. I can't remember (well, yes I can actually) the last time I went on a successful diet and lost weight. But I'm not exactly doing this to "lose weight," per se, but to feel healthier. Do you believe that? It's true. Sugar brings you/me down. I have always known this but I am stubborn and have been addicted to certain things for my entire life, sugar being one of them. Pizza is another of them, and salty foods. All not such great choices, thus my unhealthiness. At 67 1/2 years of age, it's almost too late to change now, but on the other hand, why the hell not? Right? The hardest and most distasteful part of this new less-sugar regime has been having my cuppa coffee in the mornings with just a splash of 1% milk and NO sugar. Ugh. Why does anyone actually "like" coffee with no sugar, I want to know? And why would anyone actually prefer "black coffee"? My mother always drank coffee black. Ugh. That is disgusting! A little 1% milk helps, but it's still not nice and satisfying after a long fast overnight... Anyway, I only eat twice a day. I cannot do breakfast. However, I have now begun to eat a kind of breakfast, albeit around noon, consisting of a bowl of "steel cut" (because that's the kind Paul got at the store!) quick cooking oats with one or two kinds of fruit added... it's quick and easy and good. I add a sliced banana and some raisins which naturally sweeten the oats that just get a cup of boiling water added to 1/2 cup of oats. Winter is coming and this breakfast/lunch makes sense to me. The next meal I deal with is supper. And that is now some kind of protein (meat/fish) and veggies. Nothing processed. Well, almost nothing processed. I make our own bread here in a bread machine - one kind for Paul (10 grain) and one kind for me (Italian cheese, or 9-grain), so when I have some bread, it's only one slice, and since I make the bread, I can slice it as thinly as I want. For a sandwich I will slice it thinly and cut the one piece in half and have a half-sandwich. I got some extra-thinly sliced Swiss cheese and boiled ham at the food store and the other night, I dreamed up the most incredible dinner ever! Turns out that my dreamed-up dinner had (sort of) already been dreamed up by others... I found it online yesterday! But I thought it up on my own before I saw it online. Just for you, I will give you the recipe here: I haven't a name for it yet, but it's similar to the Croque Madam, if you've ever heard of that.
That's all I have. Oh, and I did buy that book recommended to me by Nancy called "The Belly Fat Cure" and wow, recipes galore in there. The only problem is that almost every recipe has an item or two that I never buy so I don't actually have all the ingredients here for most of them. But as I go along, I plan to make more of them. Cheers, Bex
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