The frightening consequences of electroshock therapy

I'm a middle aged government attorney living in a rural section of the northeast U.S. I'm unmarried and come from a very large family. When not preoccupied with family and my job, I read enormous amounts, toy with evolutionary theory, and scratch various parts on my body.

This journal is filled with an enormous number of half-truths and outright lies, including this sentence.

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Work went alright this week. It's basically the same crew. The guy I'm replacing is going over to another agency that we tend to have a lot of cases with, and this week I get to push them very hard to regret doing taking him. Basically, he was the main attorney on a lot of our cases with them. My research leads me to conclude that due to confidential information he acquired while working for us, they are going to have get another agency to handle a bunch of these cases. I think they assumed that they could just keep him away and not discuss the cases with him. Existing judicial decisions say different, and as a zealous advocate on behalf of my clients I have to push it as hard as I can. Much as I don't want to be a dick, it's part of the job, and I have a natural knack for it. So it will be interesting to see how it all falls out.

Went to the local St. Patrick's Day parade the other day. I know the real day is a week away, but our fair city gets our parade in early. We are small but we get some pretty decent talent doing trial runs. I think we had around ten or so bag pipe bands, a few Irish dance troops, small high school bands with their inevitably weak brass sections, the veterans associations, assorted police and fire units, and of course the local motley crew of politicians. It was around 32 degrees, overcast and there was a light snow fall.

Lots of the floats threw candy to the kids, more than I had seen before. It was a bit like halloween, only in addition to checking the candy for razor blades or whatnot, you have to wash the road dirt off. I remember watching a parent glancing around when he thought no one was looking and grabbing a particularly dubious mint sticking in the snow in front of him.

Other than the excitement of the our fair parade, not much else happening. Picked up a couple of presents for my daughter's birthday next weekend and then spent the rest of my time being a bum.

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