Brainsalad The frightening consequences of electroshock therapy I'm a middle aged government attorney living in a rural section of the northeast U.S. I'm unmarried and come from a very large family. When not preoccupied with family and my job, I read enormous amounts, toy with evolutionary theory, and scratch various parts on my body. This journal is filled with an enormous number of half-truths and outright lies, including this sentence. |
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2003-10-12 4:41 AM Clearing up a little mystery Although the 1973 album
![]() did not contain a song by the same name, there was a separate single Brain Salad Surgery It will murder you, it murdered me We made it for our enemy Brain Salad Surgery We've got a ballad About a salad brain with a surgeon with a dirty dinner game. Brain Salad Surgery It will work for you you, it works for me Brain not perversity Brain Salad Surgery We've got a ballad About a salad brain with a surgeon with a dirty dinner game. These are some pretty amazingly cool lyrics eh? Or not. There was also a Brain Salad Surgery episode of the hospital drama Chicago Hope that aired on October 15, 1997. Despite winning an emmy for best sound mixing and a lot of decent tunes there was no music by Emerson, Lake and Palmer in this epsiode. (Or maybe the lack of ELP is the reason it won the emmy). I never watched the show but the episode came up when I web-searched 'Brain Salad Surgery'. Then there is this dude: ![]() and his Brain Salad Surgery blog. You gotta check this guy out. He's quite something. But my journal came first! I'm not actually a big Emerson, Lake and Palmer fan. When I used to play in Multi-User Dungeons and Multi-User Shared Hallucinations I had a character called "Karn Evil 9" after a song on the album. I just thought the name was fun. But it wasn't quite right for online journal (too cool) so when I was setting this up I just used the name from the album. I couldn't even remember that the album was called Brain Salad Surgery, not Brainsalad Surgery. The name is vaguely repulsive and I chose it because I felt kind of strange about setting this up in the first place. So there we go. The origin of the name of this journal. I thought it tied in well with my last entry. Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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