Brainsalad The frightening consequences of electroshock therapy I'm a middle aged government attorney living in a rural section of the northeast U.S. I'm unmarried and come from a very large family. When not preoccupied with family and my job, I read enormous amounts, toy with evolutionary theory, and scratch various parts on my body. This journal is filled with an enormous number of half-truths and outright lies, including this sentence. |
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2004-08-18 2:33 AM Political viewpoints Abortion:
[x] I'm marginally pro choice. I respect the opinions of people on both sides, but ultimately I believe in abortion for much the same reasons that I believe in the death penalty and animal testing. Affirmative Action: [x] I think forty years is enough. Age of Consent: [x] Seventeen is the age of consent in my state, and I think that is about right. I don't think people younger than that are ready to make choices about sex and the law ought to give them some protection. Animal Testing: [x] I used to do it. Current rules and regulations make it so that animal testing is done in as safe and humane a fashion as possible. It makes a lot more sense to kill an animal to potentially save human lives than it does to because its flesh tastes good. Death Penalty: [x] For it. Even understanding on a very personal level how flawed our court system is. Government decisions kill people on regular basis. When we decide to spend more money on education than on research, people die. When we decide to spend more money on sending space probes to Mercury instead of providing health care for the poor, people die. The direct and personal nature of the death penalty may bother some people, but for me it is a recognition of the reality of our world. Downloading Music/Movies: [x] I think record companies ought to lower their prices a bit. I also think that the recent extension to copyright law to 90 years after death is outrageous. Drug Decriminalization: [x] Oh. I don't know. Sure it's a person's choice to use drugs. But only the first few times. Then addiction kicks in and their own say in the matter drops off considerably. Maybe we should just legalize and regulate. Factory Farming: [x] Sure. If we can find cheaper and more efficient ways of feeding people, by all means let's do so. Free Trade: [x] Free markets free people. Funding of Arts: [x] Against it. Let the free market decide what artists get funded. Gay Marriage: [x] I don't really care. I think if they legalize gay marriage they should legalize polygamy too though. Gun Control: [x] We should have it to some degree. Immigration: [x] I don't have a strong opinion one way or another Hardcore Pornography: [x] If a man pays a woman to have sex with him, that's prostitution. If a man pays a woman to have sex with him and makes a movie out of it, well that's art. Human Cloning: [x] For it. For lots of very complicated reasons that I don't feel like explaining at 3:00 a.m. Miltary Draft: [x] Under extremely limited circumstances. Minimum Wage: [x] I don't believe in it. Prostitution: [x] It should be legalized and controlled. School Vouchers: [x] For it. A lot of people with strong religious beliefs won't put their kids in the public school system even though they have to pay for it. Private school teachers get paid on average only 2/3 of what public school teachers get, yet they produce much better educated kids. Another complicated issue hard to explain in a paragraph. Taxes: [x] A necessary evil. United Nations: [x] It has certain functions. Universal Health Care: [x] Market forces work strangely with health care and will continue do so. This is one of those complicated issues I don't have a good solution to and don't feel like discussiing at 3:00 a.m. in the morning. War on Terrorism: [x] I guess its a matter of balancing interests. Respecting the rights of other nations versus our own interests. Respecting individual rights to privacy versus the need to protect against potential terrorists. On the one hand, I thought for years before 9/11/2001 that the next nuclear bomb set off would be stuffed inside a van instead of launched as a missile. On the other hand, I really don't trust the U.S. government all that much, and I don't want them spying on me. Welfare: [x] I think we ought to round up people's relatives and make them pay for it. Nothing that'll get you back to work like your aunts and uncles hounding you. I also think that it ought to be linked to birth control. You should be able to support yourself before you go making babies. Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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