The frightening consequences of electroshock therapy

I'm a middle aged government attorney living in a rural section of the northeast U.S. I'm unmarried and come from a very large family. When not preoccupied with family and my job, I read enormous amounts, toy with evolutionary theory, and scratch various parts on my body.

This journal is filled with an enormous number of half-truths and outright lies, including this sentence.

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Weird habits meme

1. Food. I eat peanut butter and Miracle Whip sandwiches. I like pasta (like sphagetti or lasagna) mixed with salad and salad dressing, french preferably. I also like to eat raw ramen pride noodles.

2. Nervous habits. I touch my face when I'm nervous. When I'm very nervous I yawn. I also have a tendency to bring a book as a kind of security blanket to situations where I know I will be anxious.

3. Sleeping. I sleep with my glasses on. That way I don't lose them. I have flexible metal parts that go around my ears so that they don't fall off when I sleep. In addition most nights I fall asleep on my couch instead of my bed. I keep a blanket there. The cat usually uses the bed.

4. When I'm driving on long trips, I tend to find myself playing car tag. I'll pass a car and then after a while let that same car pass me. Miles later, I'll pass them again.

5. When I buy things, I always try to maximize the number of coins that I give a cashier and minimize the number that I get back. So for instance, if something costs 80 cents, and I don't have 80 cents change, I will give a cashier $1.05 so that I get back a quarter instead of two dimes.

My daughter tagged me with this, and I'm supposed to pick five people to pass this on to. I'll let anyone who wants a tag say so in my comments section. There are lots of people whose answers I be curious about, but I don't want to impose.

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