The frightening consequences of electroshock therapy

I'm a middle aged government attorney living in a rural section of the northeast U.S. I'm unmarried and come from a very large family. When not preoccupied with family and my job, I read enormous amounts, toy with evolutionary theory, and scratch various parts on my body.

This journal is filled with an enormous number of half-truths and outright lies, including this sentence.

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All about boobies

I'm not really what you would call a great breast man. The woman who I had my longest relationship with pretty much had no breasts at all to speak of. Great legs and stomach and pretty eyes, and an amazing kisser though. Breasts are fairly low on my list as a criteria for what attracts me to a woman. There is a woman at work who likes to expose a lot of cleavage, and I think it is a much bigger deal for her than it is for me. Sometimes she catches me staring, and chuckles to herself, and I'm like, "Yeah. They're sticking out, and they are okay, plus they give me an excuse not to make eye contact." The curve of a woman's hips is more exciting. There is something about the shape of that curve from hip to stomach to chest that reminds me of a violin.

I know that, for most women, the breasts are extremely sensitive. Much more sensitive than my man nipples, which get slightly stimulated. I knew one woman who could orgasm just by having her breasts played with. She said it was the family gift, and that her mother and sisters were the same way. Another woman I was with wanted her nipples pinched very hard. Still, they aren't the key point for everyone. The woman I was with who had practically no breasts got very little out of having her nipples played with. Most women get something out of it between those two extremes. More than men, but not orgasm inducing by themselves.

Most of the women I have been with have been middle aged, and gravity has had varying effects on their breasts. One woman I knew in her early 40s had amazingly firm breasts. I would have sworn they weren't real, but she wasn't the sort that worked at looking good- she didn't wear makeup or lipstick, or perfume - and she said that firm breasts ran in her family. She had breastfed two children too. More often breastfeeding seems to have some sort of impact. Two women I knew had nipples that had a sort of chewed on look, although it had been a decade since they had breast fed their children. Another woman's breasts had turned into long saggy bags.

Nipples and breasts come in various shapes and sizes. The best nipples are the ones that are like pencil erasers, becoming erect when stimulated. Other women have flatter, more rounded nipples. Breasts come in various textures. Some woman have course skin, some is softer. Breasts can get veiny and wrinkly as women age. Those things have an impact on me, but not that much. My favorite pair of breasts belonged to a woman in her late 20s I dated. She had these lemon sized breasts that were just the right firmness and size.

In general, breasts are just one part of a total package. Nice but not vital.

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