The frightening consequences of electroshock therapy

I'm a middle aged government attorney living in a rural section of the northeast U.S. I'm unmarried and come from a very large family. When not preoccupied with family and my job, I read enormous amounts, toy with evolutionary theory, and scratch various parts on my body.

This journal is filled with an enormous number of half-truths and outright lies, including this sentence.

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Halloween in perspective

There was an interesting piece on NPR yesterday about Halloween. I'm probably not going to do a great job at paraphrasing, but the author said that Halloween was about de-mystifying the supernatural and horrific. It's about the afterlife and scary things that kill us. Think about it - a vampire is a supernatural creature that drains people's blood. But when you see a six year old dressed up as the monster from the movie Alien, it just doesn't quite have the same effect. I noticed something similar when I was watching the movie "Shaun of the Dead". It was a zombie movie with a comedy twist to it. When main characters died in really horrific fashions, like having their stomach's ripped out - it just didn't quite hit home in the same manner. So here we are in the fall, which is sort of a death symbol anyway, potentially contemplating colder temperatures and shorter days, and other death-like elements - and we have this holiday that makes it a game. Takes the sting out of it. Australia only recently started celebrating Halloween due to global media. They are south of the equator so obviously the tie in to autumn wouldn't make any sense.

Here's a quiz result that should come as no surprise to anyone.

So, Zombies are attacking... how do you handle it?
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You scored as Jerk >.< Play along

God, you self-righteous ass! This is a game for the zombie lovers.. Why ruin it?!?!

Jerk >.< Play along


....Loser.. I guess you can't adapt


You'll die.. But not by THEIR hands, Damn It!!!!!


You'll make it on your own


A group's the best way to go!


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