Random Mutterings of a Transatlantic Mind

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I woke up this morning with a thick black cloud hanging over my head.

I think I know why...

No, actually, that's not true.
I know what I want to BLAME for making me feel so grumpy; a different thing altogether - and, of course, not in the slightest bit fair.

But..I don't feel like being fair...I feel like growling at the world from underneath my thick, warm blanket, whilst singing 'Everything is Beautiful' to myself, in a sarcastic manner.
(and yes, I CAN do that - it's not pretty, but neither am I, when I'm in this mood!).

I don't like to be moody - it doesn't suit me...

...If I were one of my kids, I would be telling myself to stop being so miserable and to get a grip...think of something that'll cheer you up and DO IT!


...MUSIC, ART, READING, CHOCOLATE,.......(there's a start)

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