Random Mutterings of a Transatlantic Mind

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Don't suppose you know, I'm scared of flying?? - well I am, scared to the back teeth.

I understand the science and all of that stuff - this is an irrational fear - you know, like spiders and snakes and clowns and stuff - I just DON'T like it and no one will convince me otherwise.

BUT.....I won't let my fear stop me from travelling and learning and seeing new things - that would just be wrong, wouldn't it?

...and so, we are flying out to Florida in a week's time - to the Everglades and the Keys - I've wanted to go there forever, and now is my chance.

Guess what? - we are going Southwest via Chicago Midway.

I got back from being out tonight, the kids woke up and told me the news....

I had a flashback to coming home from an office party and being told about Lockerbie - different, I know, but frightening, of course...and just before Christmas.

So, I'll grit my teeth for the 7-8 hours there and back - hoping my fears will not prove infectious (the boys currently like to fly and hubby is used to it anyway).

I know I am lucky to be having the vacation - I just wish it was possible to teleport there!

Must not forget my iPod...must not forget my iPod...

EDITED: The flights have changed now, though I still feel the same apprehension.

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