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2006-02-22 9:20 PM Happy Bidet to Me. Read/Post Comments (7) |
Well in 364 days I (yes, little old me) will be the answer to life, the universe and everything!
The number 42 has made me smile knowingly, for so many years now, (thanks to Douglas Adams) but the number 41 just sounds so euchhh.....so I am going to be 29, for now, at least. BUT anyroad, enough of that 'old' stuff - yesterday I had a birthday and it was smashing, super, great...honest! I got new electronic toys... a digital photo frame, speakers, a big SD card AND I got 80 minutes of Swedish massage, with no kids around and nothing to think about... ...other than whether my cold was bad enough to make my nose drip through the headrest into the copper bowl of floating orchid heads (it wasn't btw, if you're interested in the finer details) AND I got pink toenails! I think I might have actually mastered the art of being pampered, although I DID pace up and down between the jacuzzi and the massage and stubbed my toe (smudging my pink nail) straight after the pedicure! So on we went - me feeling like a plate of Jelly (ok Jello if you like) to the Irish Bar, where I had curry and chips (REAL chips) and chicken tenders before entering a pub quiz and losing horribly... (...due to bad sound, bad memory and a small intermission where I threw a glass across the room at a man in a suit!) Hee!...It doesn't get much better than that! Now all I need is the phone number of the Restaurant at the End of the Universe, for next year's 'DO'. Read/Post Comments (7) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
:: HOME :: GET EMAIL UPDATES :: WonderLuster :: Still (sur)Rendering :: Hollywood :: Willow :: Slim :: |
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