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2006-03-02 11:15 AM First Cuckoo of Spring Read/Post Comments (5) |
I picked up my first roach of 2006 this morning - the desert equivalent of the 'First Cuckoo of Spring'.
(technically, the roadrunner, who is back in the yard again, is a cuckoo - but nevermind eh?...put it down to journalistic license) It's funny really - my flesh creeped a little when I saw it (all be it small)...but given a month or two, I'll be scooping them up and flicking them off the patio with hardly a thought for what I'm doing. _______________________________ YAY! it's getting warm again...we should be swimming in a month or so. Last week, the back yard temperature hit 86F, which would be National front-page news in England - in JULY, let alone February. Ahhhh, but I love to feel warm - especially when the 'hairdryer' heat of summer comes around. The desert breeze picking up the burning sand and throwing it in your face, adding to the pins and needles of the 110+F 'dry' heat..."Paradise Found". ________________________________ The strange thing is, I have been really inspired to 'Spring Clean' this year too - we've cleared out the garage, reorganised the furniture in the kids room and tidied out the toys in their toy-room already. ________________________________ Elsewhere, I've been breaking bottles - the kind that are filled with the grey murk of misery and pushed to the back of the shelf. It felt good - I just don't think I need them taking up the shelf space, any more. ________________________________ Food for optimistic thought. "...and though she doth but very softly go, However 'tis not fast, nor slow, but sure; And certainly they that do travel so, The prize they do aim at, they do procure." from: "Upon The Snail" - John Bunyan (1628-1688) ________________________________ Read/Post Comments (5) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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