Random Mutterings of a Transatlantic Mind

A Missed Appointment?
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I've always been pretty impressed by the UK's Royal Mail service.

First Class, usually means next day delivery...for a cost of 32p (about 55c..give or take a few).

Granted it's a small country, but it's reliable service all the same.

Which is why I love stories like this.

I can't help but wonder who they were.

Was it some clandestine romance?

Did they actually meet at Monty's?...Or was it a lost invitation?

Was Gwen heart-broken when George didn't arrive?...Did she think he'd turned her down?

How sad, if a single piece of mail actually changed the course of events for them.

It could happen.

AND yes. I know they could have been brother and sister, catching up on mundane family affairs...

BUT that doesn't sound as much fun!

I guess we'll never know for sure...although stranger things have happened, than for Gwen to be watching the news and decide to share her story....

Soundtrack: 'Missing' ~ Everything but the Girl

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