Cheesehead in Paradise
Sorry, this blog is no more.

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September 2005
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04: The one where cheesehead explains herself... Part 1 (0 comments)
04: The one where cheesehead explains herself...Part 2 (11 comments)
04: My Giant List-o-100. (More or less) (8 comments)
06: Goodbye Old Friend (5 comments)
07: For those who wonder (0 comments)
08: When given a choice... (8 comments)
10: Larger Than Life (10 comments)
13: Laid to rest (14 comments)
14: I'm such a sheep--Fall Meme (1 comments)
16: Overheard at Hooky-Dooky Health Club (7 comments)
19: Good Enough (16 comments)
22: If everybody was jumping off bridges... (9 comments)
22: Easy credit a rip off...GOOD TIMES... (11 comments)
24: Umm...what happened to the other 2%? (9 comments)
26: Not For Sale (14 comments)
27: Six days and counting... (12 comments)
29: And also with you... (11 comments)
30: "The Coolest Cheesehead On Ice" (1 comments)

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