
Meh...havent made one at midnight or one that sez "how my day was" so...kill two birds with one ston
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Pretty Good

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Lets see now.... as the title says, i hqve never made one at midnight or about how my day was. Alright though, yesterday the fourth of april, was a pretty good day actually.

My good friend Kris came over at 10:30 in the morning (because the night before he was suppossed to come over but fell asleep instead....the bastard)so at about 11:30 we left to go pick up joel and went to Calamigos Ranch for a picnic thingy-mabober. When we got there we first saw Jenna (who was with sam, daniel, and her casey....yes casey is hers) and later we met up with danny and justin. Vanessa came later and joined us. BUt ya, Jenna and her friends left early. So i first sumo-wrestled against justin. Then after me and him when at it i got to fight my supervisor Garret in best 2 outta 3. I shoulda had a chance but danny decided to shove me on the third match and i fell over (do u know who fucking hard it is to get up in those sumo thingies!?!?!) So me and justin, for some odd reason decided to go on the paddle-boat thingies (joel and danny went together) It was really weird...boring and weird... i mean, me and justin had to wear the kiddy life jackets so they were basically chocking us, but meh. Then we all went over to play soccer. Haha...that was vaguely amusing, we all suck cause we havent played in so long. Meh, then we climbed some trees, got something to eat, then it was prolly around 1. So we went to go play volleyball, then vanessa came!! Me and danny won once against Justin and Joel, and justin and joel won once. The we just had fun and ten-million people started to play. Then we went in the moon bounce (so much fun when u constantly make it fall over, haha...good times...good times) Then we went to the giant blow-up slide thingymabober. Meh, it was okay, thoguh the person yelled at us for jumping down it. So we went back to volleyball, i came up with a new random pickup line. It was funny when i tried it on vanessa though, cause lets just say that it didnt go over too well. Though she knows i dont like ehr and shes one of my best friends, its still fun to try lines like that on her, shes so much fun to ahng around. So then we went hiking. I found a cool stick:-D (alright!!! highlight of the day....finding a cool stick...go me ::does fronkey dance to super mario theme music::) So we found a cool swing and a hammock. But only me, justin, vanessa, and joel went hiking. So about 3:45 we decided to head back to where kris and danny were. (o too lazy to go back and type this so jenna and her friends left a long time ago...and we never knew why, but meh) so at 4 me, joel, vanessa, and kris got picked up. We dropped kris off at Carls Jr. then me, joel, and vanessa went to justin's house for his 'el fiesta' (o ya...check out my mad spanish) and then danny went back to justin's house (he had dropped off justin at justin's house earlier). SO we basically just hung out till about 8 when i had to go home :-(

Overall, it was a pretty good day. It would have been a great day but my other friend who i invited to go with us to Calmaigos was sick :-( i hope she feels better... it would have been more fun with her then and she would have had fun too... :-(

so im bored...and i think i should keep going...i didnt have any excedrine....but maybe it was the coffee with 5 creamers and 15 sugar packets in it that i had earlier that is keeping me up. Or maybe it was the wood ranch from justin's house (mmmm....wood ranch) o ya...and we have now determined that joel has "swaned" (or goosed, cant remember) vanessa, and vanessa has "ducked" joel hahahahahaha....great times. i mean, we can only make sexual innuendos around little kids, i mean, no wearing vanessa's dress joel... hahaha so amusing.... and then those stupid badgers.... but the swordfighting between me and justin was fun....havent done that in a long time...

o ya, and when i got home i taped up the stick i found earlier!!!!! yay!!!! woohoo!!!! so now its a stick......with a red handle.... so its like a red handled stick or something...but it loks cool...right now ill stop seeing as how its about 10 min after i started this.... night

p.s. this was long....woah...

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