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2004-10-21 4:56 PM Red Sox the new Yankees? Mood: cranky. (as opposed to...) Read/Post Comments (5) |
If you read my blog's comments, you'd probably think so:
The Red Sox are Satan. I hate that newspapers have headlines that say things like "David Slays Goliath." COME ON. What is the Red Sox payroll? $130 MM --- that's hardly a 'David.' Hell, that's more like 'Goliath' for the rest of the league. What a joke. I hate big-money baseball. ...[speechless exasperation] It hasn't even been 24 hours, people!! I realize it's all BoSox, all the time today in the media. I realize consumers in this day and age, with the attention span of a three-year-old, tire of stories quickly. But gimme a break, it took a century to build the core, steady foundation of Yankee hatred we enjoy today. Can't you at least give the Sox a day? One friggin day?? How about, at least, oh, I don't know - how about a first World Series win in a century? Look, I know their payroll is up there, relatively speaking. But when you're going on a hundred years sans championship, do you really resemble a Goliath? And if you dub the Sox a Goliath on their payroll alone, then you cannot, I repeat, cannot - let's try it underlined - cannot speak another slanderous word against my beloved Lakers: A dominant team without any payroll advantage. (Fine, I'm talking about the team that was my Lakers until last June.) If your criteria is dollars and cents - and what individual players collect out of the payroll - then you have to love the cap-strapped and sacrificial team that was the Los Angeles Lakers. Karl Malone. Say what you will, but he took a 90% paycut. 90%, people! I will not stop yelling this until people pay attention to me, dammit. Look at me! Look at me! In fact, think about it: People are always drawing parallels between the Lakers and the Yankees...always conveniently forgetting that little "salary cap" detail. But how much more impressive is the Lakers Dynasty when you consider they don't have a Steinbrenner to sign unlimited checks recruiting mercenar- er, sorry "team players"? Is anybody listening to me yet? That's not good enough...are you agreeing with me yet?? Oh well. Maybe the BoSox backlash that's already starting to blip on my radar is just another indication that the Yankees will always be the Yankees, while the Red Sox will always be the Red Sox* *second-place losers. The Yankees can get away with it for a century. The BoSox can't even enjoy it for a day. -Oh, and if Houston wins tonight? You've got a race between Texas and Boston. Which side do you want to be on? I'll give the last word (T.J. Simers-style) to my buddy Rafa, after I watched the local news highlight Cubs fans who are idiotically cheering for the Sox. Rafa is from Spain. I am still explaining some rules of the game of baseball to him. And yet, Rafa gets it, while it flies over the head of all these oblvivious Chicagoans: "Why would the Chicago people want thee Red Sox to ween? Then et ees only they who are thee losers, right?" Rafa's here studying on a full-ride Fullbright Scholarship. Now you know why. Read/Post Comments (5) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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