Dickie Cronkite
Someone who has more "theme park experience."

Take the plunge.
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Well, today was the first day back at work. And thank god, because who wants to bathe in warm spring water like this for extended periods of time?

Or marvel at virtually unspoiled natural beauty? Fuck that.

I mean, who likes grottos?

Or the pitch-black caves beyond, hot and humid and echoey from the geothermal water gushing out?

Not me, no sir!

Here's that valley I tried to describe last time. Pretty awe-inspiring, until you realize that patch of dirt in the foreground is the road.

No vacation is complete without some black cock.

Hey, what's that on the right side of the road? A cactus fence? Sweet!

What's that on the left side of the road? An authentic Aztec pyramid? Eh.

Really, if you've seen one ancient civilization, you've seen 'em all.

Nameless isn't very impressed, either. (But those guys next to her are.)

Christ, I don't remember those pyramids being that tall. I was sucking wind a quarter of the way up. Besides, weren't the Aztecs like four feet tall? What gives?

It's like the sole purpose of this structure was to torture obnoxious American tourists hundreds of years later. Great Mystery solved.

You know what else sucks? Drinking above the main city square in the middle of the afternoon, for half the price as in the states. I hate that.

Man, I'm drunk - the town-square cathedral totally looks like it's sinking! ...what?

Nameless and I took a tour of the Palacio Nacional next door, where Diego Rivera painted a bunch of murals depicting Mexican history. This is an exact transcript of Cortes' first conversation with the Aztecs:

Okay, We're gonna have to tear down your main temple and build a cathedral in its place, so that we can crush your culture and beliefs. Also, we're gonna have to use the stone from your temple to build our new houses. Oh...I forgot to mention. This is the bad news. We need you guys to build those houses for us. Also, we're gonna have to brand your cheeks so we know who's building which house. Cool?

If Cortes wasn't gangsta, the word has no meaning.

So it was an awesome trip. Just like being at work, except if work allowed you to not work and go off and travel. I love work!

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