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My feet will wander in distant lands, my heart drink its fill at strange fountains, until I forget all desires but the longing for home.

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Moving into January

Quick update:

-Still working for R & R in Alexandra; now that their cherries are finally off the trees and sorted, I'll be helping with database and odd jobs for a week or so, then probably look for more picking work. Picking is a lot more fun than packing, as far as I'm concerned -- I like climbing around and getting exercise, and singing to myself with birds for accompaniment, whereas the people who seem to enjoy packing more tend (in at least one case) to like to slack and/or listen to the radio. And find standing still all day more fun (easier?) than moving around, something that's simply not the case for me.

-Still staying in the backpackers; despite an offer of accomodation at the job, having my own arrangements suits me better. Not much point in moving out there for just a week, anyway, and it would make getting to other jobs more of a difficulty. More company of my own age, and access to town on my own time for things like:

-trying out Aikido; went to an open session Thursday with new friend Drew, and enjoyed it. A bit dazed while trying out unfamiliar movements in a mixed-level class -- everything was easy enough to do, and the class was so small I always had an expert coach, but damned if I can remember a whole sequence correctly even a split second after I've done it. My fencing stance is handy for about one move out of eight; the rest of the time, I'm floundering in unfamiliar territory. They actually Turn Around in this sport, a novel concept for my linear-strip-honed skills.

...Mood swings like crazy, one day loving it, another day blah, occasionally barely keeping it together. Various cures for loneliness and/or self-pity include making new friends, including one particularly enjoyable playmate; applying chocolate liberally; and yes, I'm feeding myself real food on a regular basis.

I'm also keeping up the crafts and trying to get back into drawing ... played pool the other night ... been dancing here a couple of different times, different styles ....
The main down side to flitting from hobby to hobby is, I keep hitting the "Wow, I suck at this thing I used to be good at" stage; demoralizing. It takes a couple of weeks to settle back into "Now that's more like it," by which time I am about to move on to another thing. Better send about half my gear home, and concentrate so I can find things more satisfying.

The weather is flashing back and forth between something I could swear was Oregon rain, if we weren't in New Zealand's summer; and days so long, hot, and sunny they're almost frightening.

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