My Journal

My feet will wander in distant lands, my heart drink its fill at strange fountains, until I forget all desires but the longing for home.

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So, really, this should be an e-mail to Teresa. But my email won't open, and my coin's in the computer, so if Teresa doesn't respond, everybody who knows who I mean can e-mail her and ask her for me.

I'm enjoying being in Christchurch again, after a mild explosion of my plans. So much for plans. But this might be an opportunity to connect with a few people who I have reason to believe are worth spending time with, so not too bad as plan-explosions go.

The only nagging problem, really, aside from finances which will be in a better state after the week's work I've just signed up for, is my left knee. It doesn't like going down. Sometimes, at the end of the day, it doesn't even like bending very much. (It's usually fine after a night's rest, and it got positively pampered with several days of sitting around painting in FJ. Made a fine little friend there in the process, LeAnne, age 9 almost 10.)

Back on topic....
The reason this would be an email to Teresa is, she had some knee troubles in high school which I think might involve the same set of stringy-things beside the knee, muscles or ligaments or whatever. So whatever exercises or measures she was told to take, might be good for my knee now. If I knew what they were.

So Teresa, when you read this, would you mind writing me a little bit about what you remember from your knee days?

Thank you,



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