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On reflection (lessons from NZ)

Among Lessons Learned
(and un-learned)
in New Zealand:

1) Not all sailors are men. Some are women. (notably most crew members of the fantastic tall ship I sailed on in the Bay of Islands, and reportedly about 10% of the Alaskan fishing fleet). Corollary: In many fields, the "gender wall" has already been broken; rather than battering into enemy territory, all that's necessary is to step gently over the rubble. Implication: I can get over it.

2) Palm trees do not universally imply hot weather.
They do imply sunlight, water, the presence of palm seedlings, and an absence of frost --- but there's a big gap between "frost" and "hot," and many of the New Zealand climates fall rather into the "cool" category.
Likewise, the presence of penguins does not universally imply ice.

3) Up or Down, and Off and On, with regards to light switches, are assigned as merely a matter of convention. As much as Left or Right on the roads.

4) It's all about me.
I like talking. I have a lot of questions inside, but they usually come out as statements... I want people to talk back; I want to be pushed to think more clearly, and have more accurate information.
I like being among like-minded people, not spiteful, unethical, insensitive, or intolerant ones. Except when they're agreeing with me.

5) Sleep is good.
Getting enough sleep, without feeling guilty or agitated, means setting reasonable goals for the day, getting some good exercise, and allowing myself to be satisfied with the amount I've gotten done in the end.

6)I like cats, infants, and children. And older women, and men of many descriptions. And girls. ... which leaves who, really?

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