My Journal

My feet will wander in distant lands, my heart drink its fill at strange fountains, until I forget all desires but the longing for home.

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Events Coming Up

I'm nose-down planning some upcoming workshops & events:

Saturday January 27th, I'm presenting "Snowflakes and Valentine's Lace" workshop at the City Repair offices (2122 SE Division) from 1-3:30pm.

Saturday February 3rd, Ernie is teaching people how to make chocolate truffles here at our place on N Kerby, pretty much all day.

Friday February 9th, we're negotiating about some folks coming up for a natural builders' get together, and

Friday February 23rd is the big Ernie Fundraising Bash -- music, auction, dinner, speaker(s), poetry, dance, chocolate, and lots of fun -- although not necessarily in that order.

Ernie's foot-up recovering from the surgeries Dec. 15th & 22nd, which went well but have left his leg in considerable pain once again. Also his butt is getting tired of being sat on all the time.

I'm adjusting to a freelance work habit, and trying to make it compatible with daytime business hours & duties.

So don't mind me if I dissappear for a while....


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