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Ancient Green Design

I came across this article on ancient "sustainable" technology - reminded me of the Inca stuff I saw in Peru.

It brings up the question:
Some of these civilizations didn't endure, despite their use of very clever and durable building techniques. Of course, some did - maybe half of the "wonders" cited are still in use today.

1) What is our real purpose in applying such technologies today?

2) To stave off collapse in our lifetimes?

3) To design a legacy of things that work, and can be passed down in place of current, unsustainable, technologies that our children and grandchildren simply won't be able to use, or afford?

4) To preserve natural resources in the hopes of reaching equilibrium between harvest and growth, making life on Earth just a little sweeter until the population grows to meet supply?

5) Or just to feel smarter, like we don't deserve to die off like rabbits because we know how to stretch our carrying capacity?

6) I wonder whether we'll handle the population and climate issues, or whether they'll handle themselves in spite of our cross-directed efforts.

wonder, wonder, wonder...
here's a seventh:

7) I wonder if the authors will give me permission to reprint this for workshops?

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