Jeff Findel's
Pastrami On Wry

Tuesday Night Beers + Politics as Usual
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Bad Hops Bush

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Last night I tried the Ceylon Brewery Lion Stout

It poured with a thick head, pretty black, nice roasty smell. On tasting it�s kind of abrasive at first, the alcohol (8%) coffee flavor and sweetness attack you. It�s complex but not subtle there are a lot of flavors (bitterness, sweetness, chocolate, dark fruits) bouncing around at once. You adapt to it, and start to dig on the sweetness more. It doesn�t feel as thick or as smooth as some other stouts I�ve had but this is a good one. It might take another tasting in the future to fully appreciate this one!

In other news, who are you guys voting for, for president of beers? Do you think Miller should be disqualified just because they are owned by non-naturalized South African Breweries? Perhaps we should push for an amendment to the beer constitution to allow for it, isn�t that passage kind of antiquated anyway? I think Miller is more like John Kerry and Budweiser like George Bush. The reason for this is because they both suck and way more people than should be, will be choosing one of these two. That being said, I think more people will choose Budweiser, la-dee-freaken-da for our Country.

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