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2004-08-08 12:33 AM Day In The Inland Empire Previous Entry :: Next Entry Mood: A bit sleepy . Read/Post Comments (2) Rob and I got up at 10am this morning, which might not seem that early to you, but we went to bed at 4am. And with my insomnia I didn't even fall asleep until around 8:30am. So, I've been a bit on the tired side all day. I had a hair appointment at Gebhart (out in Montclair) at noon and Rob had one at 12:30. He got his hair cut and I got my hair dyed (stayed the same red as last time) and cut (chin length). I LOVE the color of my hair when it comes out of the salon. If it didn't fade, I don't think I would ever change the color again. It's a gorgeous red/copper. Unfortunately it fades *fast* and after about a week it becomes a strawberry blonde. So, down the road I might change color again if the fading starts to really annoy me. We were out of the salon around 2:30pm. You know, if someone out there came up with a red hair dye that stayed in like all the other colors do, they would make a fortune. All other colors have slight fading, but not as bad as red. Red dye just won't stay in hair. A formula that could leave hair red and not fade a ton would have the hair color companies going wild to get a hold of it. Anyway, after our hair appointments we made a quick stop at the drug store for some necessities and then headed to LaVerne to see a movie. We decided to see whatever movie (out of those that we wanted to see) was playing next. We ended up seeing a 3:55 showing of The Village. I liked it a lot. I thought it was A LOT better than Signs, but not as good as The Sixth Sense or Unbreakable. Some of the people coming out of the theatre mentioned that they didn't like it. Rob thought it was just okay. I truly enjoyed it. Granted, one twist was kind of lame (the one regarding the creatures in the woods), but the end twist after the girl goes to "town" was incredible. Personally, I would recommend this movie. M. Night Shyamalan has yet to disappoint me. After the movie we headed to Chili's. It's a restaurant we had been interested in checking out eventually. Neither of us had ever been to one. We enjoyed it. Very yummy food and it's definitely a restaurant we'll be hitting again. Then we headed back to our apartment. We've just been chilling out around the house and now that it's after midnight we're doing Sunday's Neopets stuff. Yes, there is a reason my link to the site says "My Addiction". It's a really fun game, but also very addiciting. ----------
Pirates of the Caribbean Yo Ho! You are Pirates of the Caribbean. You are lively and outgoing but at the same time down to earth. You live life to the fullest. You enjoy good eatin' and a fun time! Read/Post Comments (2) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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