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Labor Day Weekend
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For the most part, my Labor Day weekend was very good.


Friday, Rob had a half day at work. When he got home we packed and got ready to head out. The drive to my Mom's place was rather uneventful (which is a good thing). We made a stop at a gas station so that we could all go to the bathroom and get some snacks. Gabriel got some Cheetos, I got a diet root beer, and Rob got a cherry coke.

When we got to my Mom's place it was around 5:15pm. I took a picture of her house for Envisage and then we headed in and unpacked. We ordered in pizza from Happy Joe's for dinner. One was regular crust (pepperoni and mushroom) and the other was Chicago style (sausage and mushroom). I stuck to the deep dish and just didn't eat any of the crust.

We spent the night just chilling out around her house.


We got up around 9:30am, got ready, and headed out to a movie. Mom was willing to watch Gabriel and the last movie that Rob and I saw in the theatre was Cloverfield back in January of 2008! The Final Destination recently came out and I LOVE that franchise and desperately wanted to see this installment in the theatre. We headed into Dubuque and saw a 12:30 showing in 2D. I can't do the 3D movies - the 3D glasses, combined with my super strong prescription glasses usually give me a headache and make me nauseous. The 2D version was just fine. I really like the movie and noticed a few things they put in there for people who had seen the other ones. So glad I was able to see it in the theatre. It was just what I was expecting and hoping for and held up to the franchise.

After the movie we headed out of the theatre and I took my Envisage pic - part of the movie poster. We then made a stop by the Dubuque Humane Society where I found (and got to cuddle, hold, and play with) an adorable 4 month old flame point Siamese kitten. I SO wanted to get that kitten.

On the way back to my Mom's house we stopped off at a roadside stand and got some fresh veggies. Rob got some cherry tomatoes, I got some cucumbers, and we got my Mom some regular tomatoes.

We then headed back to the house, chilled out for a bit, and then we all headed out to dinner. We went to Dirty Gurtz Burger Joynt in downtown Galena. Dinner was great and Gabriel was very well behaved.

After dinner we went back to my Mom's place and just watched TV and chilled out around the house.


Sunday morning we got up at 10am. We needed to shower and get ready to head out of the house because my Mom had a 12:30pm showing. We headed out as the realtor arrived. We made a run to Walmart (I got Gabriel a stuffed small Rintoo and a psychadellic printed Littlest Pet Shop mouse) and then to the grocery store (Piggly Wiggly) and then headed back to her place for a bit.

Later on, we headed out to Dubuque. There was a bit of family drama that night, but I'd rather not go into it.

We made a stop at the Borders in the Dubuque mall and my Mom got Gabriel a part 2 of a Pokemon book he had. I got him a stuffed Ming Ming (which he doesn't know he has yet) and stuffed Plankton (which he dearly loves). We then drove around for a little bit and headed to dinner at House of China.

Dinner went well and Gabriel was only mildly fussy. After dinner I took a picture of the outside of the restaurant for Envisage.

We then headed back to my Mom's place, watched Big Brother, and did up some laundry.


Monday morning we got up at 10am and got ready and packed. We headed out around 1pm and my Envisage pic for that day is of my Mom and Gabriel when they were cuddling.

The drive back home was also thankfully uneventful. Gabriel didn't have a fit when we left like he usually does, but I think that's because my Mom was explaining it to him all morning and just before we left he saw my Mom and I going over the calendar as to when she'd be coming out here next. We made a pit stop at the Wisconsin welcome station so everyone could potty and grab a snack. I got a diet Mountain Dew, Rob got a cherry coke, and Gabriel got a back of cookies.

When we got home, we unpacked and started in on the laundry (sheets). We then headed out to do our weekly shop at Pick N Save. When we came home we put the groceries away, switched the sheets to the dryer, gave Gabriel a shower, and then cooked taco salad for dinner.

We ate dinner and when we were done we put on one of the Firefly episodes (Trash) and Gabriel fell asleep. We made the bed and got ready for bed as well.

Tuesday (Today):

Things are back to normal today. Rob's back at work and I'm home with Gabriel. I need to worry about job hunting and getting my California MCLE's done. Not sure when there will be time for that, but I'll need to make time. I'm also working on laundering up the towels. That weekend was not long enough.


What is Your Secret Inner Self?
Drama Queen
Drama Queen
Inside everyone lives a diva longing for the spot light. You suppress yours so that others can shine. You long to act out, but fear the repercussions. Don't worry so much. Let others see you for who you truly are, take center stage some times. It can be fun to bask in the light. You're reserved enough, get out there and express yourself.

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