...nothing here is promised, not one day... Lin-Manuel Miranda

Acknowledging an addiction or "how to crack up customer service"
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I got started late today but met up with some resistance when I went on-line and tried to get email. The later it is, the worse the pile of stinking crap to shovel out, but I am expecting some "real" email. And...nothing. No matter what I did. So i waited, like a grown-up, and tried again. Nada. Went ahd did some other things, including checking if the browers worked (yep) and tried a third go round because well....anyway. I couldn't get into my mailbox. So then I turn on the OTHER computer because THAT's where the email address book is (with 90 percent of the emails I use) and that's where is and the phone number.) Don't ask but NO, the computers sit side by side and currently don't talk to each other. I know, I know.
So okay, the mail server died. Awwwwww! I feel AWFUL - we didn't send a card or nuttin. But I'm joking around with Bill, the really nice customer service guy, and i confess what worries me is that in trying to access my mail, I got a message that included the "word" "squirrelmail". Well, no WONDER we're having mail server problems, my brain INSTANTLY supplies. They're still using squirrels? Everyone knows you gotta upgrade at LEAST to hamsters!
Bill of course says he's passing this on to the tech people. Great. There goes my reputation with this ISP - if it isn't shot already. I do admit to recently sending Bill and Douglas two buttons - they could fight over who got which one. One read
Rule 1) Is it plugged in? Rule 2) No, really. Is it plugged in? 3) Seriously, get on the floor and check. Is it really plugged in?
and the other
Rule 1) Is it plugged in? Rule 2) No, really. Is it plugged in? 3) Seriously, get on the floor and check. Is it really plugged in? Rule 4) Now, what about the switch on the back?
But hey, it's the least i could do for them putting up with my deep understanding of why computer go boom.

So as I'm talking to Bill, he tells me that the message JUST came that the mail server would be up and working in about 4 hours.

And that's when I realized how crazy addicted I was. I have to wait FOUR HUGE ENTIRE HOURS? to get my email. Four whole HOURS??? I'm not gonna make it, go on without me...

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