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2006-12-07 7:12 PM Jesus Woulda Wept, I'm pretty sure Read/Post Comments (0) |
The president of the Catholic League (full name “Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights) wrote this ugly ugly ugly spew about “diversity” that just tends to stun me. I expect this sort of attack vomit from Bill O’Reilly who – I’m sorry but must have the tiniest dick in the universe, as he seems to need SO MUCH approval ALL the time by making ugly statements that bring out the “yeah, you’re right” yahoos. I expect that from him – the pavlovian response is now so imbedded in his brain. But coming from an alleged “civil rights” organization (yeah, I know, board members include dinesh D’Souza and Alan Keyes. Sorry bubba, I’ve WORKED for civil rights organizations. Civil right sis not about attacking everyone who isn’t you. It’s not about name calling and smart-mouthing . Calling yourself a civil rights group when you make fun of people who disagree with you and essentially call them mentally ill. Right. Here’s your sheet.
They recently posted a “why I hate Christmas contest” on their CL website which asks you to “list all superstitions e.g. belief in global warming”, asks (har-de-har) when you last hallucinated and wants you to ‘list all prior mental disorders.” That may be funny. But it’s not what those who support civil rights would ever say. This is – sorry but as we say where I come from – beyond the pale. I’m so tired of the ugliness. Disagreeing never used to me such hate. Disagreeing used to be acceptable – and it now isn’t. My not agreeing makes me a traitor, sick, evil, twisted or stupid. It’s not enough to just say “well people are different.” Apparently no, we can’t be. It’s not allowed any more. And if we don’t like it, we can go back where we came from or shut up. I don’t like “diversity trees” but then I’ve enver seen one. I don’t have kids so I don’t know what they do in school but I DO recall what it felt like being a Jewish kid during Christmas with the songs and the pageants and the decorations and the red and the green. I didn’t like it. I still don’t; I don’t CARE that most people in the country celebrate Christmas. I think that’s fine. I just wish I didn’t have to deal with it slopping over into my life in every aspect. I am made to feel like I don’t belong, like I’m not supposed to be here. Not mostly – mostly I just try to get by, ignore it, wish folks a good holiday (because I have no idea what people celebrate and I think assuming is rude). I can’t do more, I just can’t. The weeks and weeks of build-up, of enforced jollity, of spending, of everything stopping so Christmas can happen in any and every form – I don’t enjoy it in MY life. (and just so you know that I’m not wholly against it – I spent about an hour today at a Walgreen’s consulting with one of the clerks there (she knows me and she has a 10 year old daughter). I went a bit overboard – planning on spending about $10, I ended up spending $30 on “toiletries for girls” as the result of taking 2 cards of a “giving tree” at the hospital yesterday. One read simply “toiletries” and one said it was for a 10-13 year old. One defined the toiletries as “large toothpaste, toothbrush, deoderant, soap and shampoo”; the other didn’t list. So I got tootpaste, toothbrushes (they’re pink what else! And they light up!) deoderant, shampoo but I like my soap here better. And lip gloss. And glitter. And nail polish. And “jingle bell bracelets”. And little teddy bears in their own gift bags” and oh god I have no IDEA what else I got. But since I go back tomorrow for an MRI, I have to put the gift bags together tonight.) Here’s what the head of the Catholic League said in an ad that ran in the NY Times on 11/28: The United States is 85 percent Christian, which means we are more Christian than India is Hindu and Israel is Jewish. Moreover, 96 percent of Americans celebrate Christmas. So why do we have to tippy-toe around the religious meaning of Christmas every December? There is something sick about Friendship Trees, Winter Solstice Concerts, Holiday Parades and Holly Day Festivals. The neutering of Christmas extends to the banishment of Nativity Scenes from the public square, the expulsion of baby Jesus from crèches not otherwise forbidden, the banning of red and green at school functions, the censoring of “Silent Night” at municipal concerts, etc. All of this madness is done even though 97 percent of Americans say they are not offended by Christmas celebrations. So as not to be misunderstood, it is important to recognize that the few who are complaining do not belong to any one religious or ethnic group—there is plenty of diversity to be found among the ranks of the disaffected. No matter, fairness dictates that their intolerance should not trump the rights of the rest of us. Diversity means respect for the traditions and heritages of all groups, not just those which have been cherry-picked by the multicultural gurus. To be excluded is normal. Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Veteran’s Day, Black History Month, Gay Pride Parades—they all exclude someone. The Olympic Games are a showcase of segregation—men are barred from women’s sports—yet not even radical feminists call it sexist. Should all of these holidays and events be banned because some feel excluded? By celebrating Christmas we are celebrating diversity. Don’t let the cultural fascists get their way this year. William A. Donohue President So yeah, well, like he cares what some “Jewess” thinks. But I wrote – and I wrote anonymously explaining frankly that he scared the shit out of me and I was afraid of providing contact information. Which I am. I so can see getting somehow harassed or spammed or attacked by him for disagreeing with his diatribe. But I said: Dear William A Donohue, Thank you SO much for making this season of a peace one where I can feel comfortable in my skin by being called a "fascist". Not of course that any of my family were murdered by the true fascists in World War II or that you have a CLUE what it's like to be called that. But your ugly revolting hate-filled diatribe - coming from an organization that allegedly supports "civil rights" - apparently however, only for the chosen few - makes me want to wash my eyeballs after reading it, to be rid of the filth and stench you offer by calling me names because I am not Catholic and believe I have rights NOT to be forced to observe your holiday. I'm so glad to know you think that diversity and honoring other traditions and trying to include people is "sick". That's great. That's fantastic. That's what your Savior preached wasn't it? Hate everyone who doesn't think just like we do? I remember that sermon, I'm sure I do. "Everyone who isn't exactly like me, thinks like me, acts like me, believes like me is sick." I'm sure I remember that part of the New Testament. I especially love your comparison of Christmas to Veteran's Day - that's so very clever too. Calling it, or Mother's Day, exclusive because non-veterans are not honored. Is this a particular form of logic they teach wherever you went to school? It's fascinating. I'd so love to know what part of the teachings of your Jesus state "to be excluded is normal" as if that's a wholesome good thing, and part of Catholic doctrine. Thanks ever so much for making your stands clear. You highly offensive attack on people who aren't exactly what you want them to be speaks so well for your organization. You just keep pretending you comprehend the FIRST thing about diversity. I hope it keeps you warm. Stay away from me. Stay away from EVERYONE. Stay home with your tiny-minded, intolerant ugly thoughts. What an ugly ugly person you must be that those of us who prefer to have our own beliefs, our own celebrations and not to have to join in to something we don't believe in - well it's sad that it threatens you. It's so sad that you can't just let it be, but have to attack those of us who don't share your beliefs. You can have your beliefs. I'm not forcing mine on you, but you clearly wish you could force yours on me and people like me. What a heart-warming letter - to know you care so much about the world around you in this season which celebrates the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. What's happier than calling people sick for not agreeing with you during such a time? now THAT's American and that's the heart-warming spirit of the season you seem to hold so dear. I know he doesn’t care. He won’t read it, he will make fun of the sender as mentally ill and unstable because apparently that’s how he sees anyone who opposes his beliefs. But it made the crawly feeling go away a bit. And now I have to go find some tissue paper (damn, I don’t hink I have pink!) for those dumb little gift bags. Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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