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2007-07-27 3:30 PM Okay ENOUGH already. Sheesh! Mood: really fed up Read/Post Comments (2) |
Okay, this is getting to be just too much! I swear, people, there is something going on and I don’t like it ONE DAMN BIT.
Now I know, and you know,, and you known I know (ok, stop there) that shit happens and things go wrong with people you care about and sometimes life sucks. But I swear to gods, this is falt out ridiculous. Without naming names, let me tell you the roll call lately. My friend J just finished chemo for cervical (I think it was) cancer. She seems to be doing well, but this is her second go round. I didn’t know her years back when she dealt with breast cancer….. WHICH is affecting at least 3 other friends of mine. Either they’re surviving it, being treated or about to have treatment. Okay. Then there’s the friend who, I just found out is dealing with another form of cancer. Then there’s the two friends dealing with severe migraines. Okay? No we’re NOT done. There’s the friend trying to decide about divorce. (She knows my vote I think.) There’s the friend whose husband announced he’s leaving. (grumble SPIT) There’s the friend who’s had to leave home until the flooding is controlled and there’s clean water again which could be a week or two. Okay? Are we there yet? I know, as I say, you can probably match me friend for friend because shit happens. That doesn’t help though and it SUCKS hugely. I saw a new doctor yesterday and last night – for NO reason, seriously as in “no I didn’t do anything to trigger it and no, she did not do anything to rigger it and I have no idea why” I could not sleep due to severe low back pain. Severe. I don’t GET that and I almost never am awakened by pain. The pills I take normally are on a one every 8 hour rotation; this morning I took one THREE HOURS early because I did ot know how I would manage the next three hours if I couldn’t get some control. I slept maybe 2 or 3 hours last night, none of it good. It’s eased up but what the HELL was that? And no, it wasn’t stress or emotional. I get that yes, but not in the low back (for one thing, the muscles that tend to go BOING on me are upper back muscles. You know the ones – the ones that raise your shoulders up to your ears in a defensive position?” But this was classis low back screaming nasties. The new doctor? I’m somewhat too bummed to talk about it right now. I think I like her a lot. She’s what I need doctor-wise but nothing she told me was really very good and some of what she told me was pretty depressing and I’m not there yet in terms of saying “yeah, she’s right” though she probably is. Which is very fucking depressing. I would like to say that I am really goddam glad to have seen the Anthony nominations yesterday (thank you Louise) because TWO of my bandmates are up for awards. That’s HALF of Sad Anoraks – pretty grand stuff huh? We’re going to have to build a mantelpiece on the tour bus or a display case or something. Cornelia was nominated for “best first novel” (what like you’re surprised??) and Shaz, along with Barbara Franchi is one of the nominees for the “Special Service” award for giving us Reviewing the Evidence. And Stu got a raise. I know, I know, but it just seems a little out of control, a bit disproportionate to be hearing about this much CRAP being dumped on this many GOOD people who are my friends. For crying out LOUD, Enough already! Things have GOT to stop SUCKING for so many people. Can we all get some time off and go to Fluffy Bunny Land? Read/Post Comments (2) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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