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2010-10-22 12:55 PM BOUCHERCON REPORT part duh Read/Post Comments (1) |
So okay, let's talk about that shoulder thing. A bunch of you saw something going on. Alas, spork* happens and Thursday evening during opening ceremonies, I had to leave the room and found myself huddled up and in pain. Now, when I say this, it's really startling. Most of you know that I live with chronic pain and am on very effective and big deal pain medication. Yeah, right. Sometimes things go blooey. So there I am trying to figure out what to do. A few people come over to talk to me and I think I'm coherent but the pain is not going away and it's acute. It's my right shoulder, the one that usually doesn't give me problems like the left one does. I have rotator cuff problems that are pretty much unfixable. We spent months in discussion with at least three specialists before we decided - right after LCC 2007 - that it was too risky to try. Can't be fixed.
I don't know how long I sat there, staring at the Really Ugly Hotel Carpet (that, by the way, is a very redundant phrase - try it some time. I dare you. Find some attractive hotel carpeting) (shudder) when I felt arms go carefully around me and a voice said "what's wrong? Do you need me to find Stu? What's the matter? Can I help?" and I had no idea, none who it was. And it so did not matter, but I was sort of bent over and this person just came over and with her arms around me, came to my aid. And I said, probably pretty shakily, "not unless you have an ice pack in your pocket." (or are you just glad...oh stop that!) And I think at that point, I straighted up and saw who it was. She raced off and found ice and napkins to carefully put on my shoulder. Some time in the next few minutes, Stu showed up, aware that time had passed and I hadn't come back in the room (he had NO idea what was wrong. When I left the room, it wasn't bad and I expected to return.) Also showing up was a young woman in hotel garb, with the catering service, I think, who asked very intelligent questions and was trying to help. The staff was busy setting up for the post ceremonies reception. She clearly was more than a kitchen staffer. I was grateful for her concern and marveled,through my discomfort that she was so kind and considerate and knowledgeable. After lots of ice, napkins, discussion and bother, I managed to feel far better, albeit damp (hey! ice melts!) and managed to make an appearance at one of the publisher parties I really wanted to get to. Where I saw some, but not enough, lovely people. Stu figured out that unlike my scooter, my wheelchair lacks a seat lift and I had already, by Thursday night, spent two days talking upto people, likely triggering spasms and spork in my shoulder. I have stuff for the shoulder - topical stuff that helps immensely but had not packed it. Friday morning found Stu and me in one of the 18 Walgreens that existed between our hotel and the Hyatt buying topical goo and two instant ice packs (the one I'd carefully tended in my luggage for like eight years finally coming in handy. And noticeably less damp.) That was mostly it. It showed up in a more mild form throughout the weekend and Stu cautiously applied more goo, which, yes, stunningly worked (ask my masseuse Jean; it's all about blood flow or something.) But Wendy Hornsby? You are a GODDESS among women. Thank you for being there, noticing, caring, taking care of me, finding help and comforting me in a very sporky situation. I thank you, Stu thanks you, my shoulder thanks you. *spork is at least temporarily a new expletive Read/Post Comments (1) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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