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2011-11-20 6:09 PM Plus ca change... Read/Post Comments (0) |
I love that in recent days I've seen outrage, I've seen people writing "what is this! is this the 60s?". It means that people think that things have gotten better since some of the worst of the bad old days of "hippie" v "hardhat" of "long-hair v frat boy". That we think or hope or assume that the worst behavior during the years of anti-war protest is gone and that the worst violations of rights during everything from the sanctuary movement to the anti-apartheid days cannot possible happen again. I mean I was there, mostly, sort of. I was not in Chicago. I was never in a massive march where cops on horses chased people in the streets. I wasn't there at People's Park. And I know I've written about cops I've known who seemed like decent, good, ordinary people.
I'm torn now between believing that police are caring individuals who believe in the rule of law who truly desire to "preserve and protect" and that the people who become police officers do it simply because they know they're right, everyone else is wrong and order is theirs to enforce, no matter what. I want to be reasonable. It's important that I do, important to my way of thinking, of how I see myself. I just don't know. I know that I believe in the First Amendment and think everyone who loves our country should hold it as what passes for as holy in our Not Christian Nation. And yet, the ACLU, the organization that exists solely to defend First Amendment rights is attacked viciously, is attacked constantly, is attacked as unAmerican, as unpatriotic because it stands for those rights that were considered so important. Those rights of speech and assembly especially seem to infuriate those "patriots" who wave the flag and claim to believe in the Constitution (even while making shit up. About parts that do not exist.) And I want to believe that flag waving patriots who love this country and who allegedly love what it stands for can see what it stands for, can see past "get a job you dirty hippie" bullshit from the Occupy Wall Street, Occupy Oakland, Occupy the Tundra, Occupy Seattle ALL the people who are arguing, using their Constitutional rights, that the rich are too rich, and this country needs to stand for something again. Back when I lived in Berkeley, I saw ugly behavior from the campus cops. The rumor/story was that if you couldn't get into the Berkeley Police force, UC Berkeley would take you. I, of course have no idea how true that was. But I saw police officers abuse their authority over and over because they could, because they seemingly wanted to out of boredom or belief in their own righteousness. They'd roust people in the park, they'd walk up to people and demand to see their IDs even if those people were apparently breaking no law. I witnessed this repeatedly. They did not care that they were being watched by the likes of people like me. At Livermore, I saw police from various units tape over their badge numbers and their nametags. Jesus, that's chilling folks. You know when you see that that the cops intend, flat out plan to break the law. And maybe your head. It's a lot harder now with cell phone cameras and Youtube. And yet, it didn't stop a UC Davis cop from casually pepper spraying Occupy Davis protestors, completely peaceful protesters who were using their First Amendment rights of assembly and free speech, walking down a line of people and spraying them pretty much point blank. I don't have to describe it - it's there if you want to see it, you probably have. I think I've mentioned this before that, years ago, a UC Berkeley police officer got the nickname "Chokehold Johnson" for his behavior toward protestors. We used to sign "Will you stand up to Officer Johnson though he's six feet four" to the tune of "When I'm 64" at demonstrations. His abuse of power was allowed and accepted by the University even when it was not acceptable anywhere else. (chokeholds were not allowed in most police departments at the time - even LA quit using them but that's yet another story.) Finally, the Chancellor of UC Davis apparently accepted a police spokeswoman's "explanation" that the cops were scared, that they were "surrounded" by protestors. Right. That happens all the time. Just for the record? When I was locked up with several hundred other women at Livermore, we met daily, and then some, with a police officer. We were being held not in a jail facility but a gym. We had lots of meetings, lots of circles, lots of discussions. And every time this cop wanted to talk with us - not "our leaders" because like "Occupy Davis, Occupy Wall Street, Occupy Oakland" we didn't do that. But every discussion she had with us, she, like the rest of us, took OFF her shoes (we were asked to do so so we wouldn't damage the gym floor. no joke.) And came into the center of our circle to talk with us. Gee, imagine. Were we surrounded by riot gear wearing cops? No. Was she a police officer, trained not to let herself GET surrounded? Well, yeah. But she had a brain and she perceived that she was in no danger. It's not the same, I know, but I find this official explanation to be ludicrous and a lie. Did these cops say anything before attacking the demonstrators? Nope, they were just out to have some fun. ...plus c'est la meme chose. Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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