i.e. Ben Burgis: Musings on Speculative Fiction, Philosophy, PacMan and the Coming Alien Invasion

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Where I'll Be When I'm Not Here

[Update: re-reading this, I realize I'm being coy here in a way that tends to drive me nuts when other people do it--'why bring things up at all if you aren't going to talk about them?'--but in context, that mild hypocrisy still strikes me as the lesser evil compared to airing my complaints about anyone in public in a way I'm not comfortable with doing, or exiting this space without any explanation at all.]

As a result of some very weird and over-the-top e-mails I got yesterday, apparently sparked by an in-passing comment on this blog that the wrong person read*, I'm temporarily going to:

(a) restrict my blogging to my livejournal mirror, &
(b) restrict that to friends-locked posts

This is just a personal-comfort-zone thing, which again, is temporary and not a big deal. It's ultimately a cost/benefit decision, whereby I've selfishly decided that the minor weirdness I'm saving myself from a repetition of outweighs the fact that I will be depriving those of you not on my lj friends list of the obviously enormous wit and wisdom regularly exhibited here until I figure out how I want to deal with this.***

Of course, in the fairly unlikely event that anyone actually cares about said deprivation of wit and wisdom, it's easy enough to re-gain access to it by setting up an lj account (even if you don't plan on using it for blogging or anything takes like ten seconds to set one up), and then friending me. If I have no reason to believe that you're going to respond to anything I say with a one-sided series of weird over-the-top e-mails, I'll immediately reciprocate that friending and then you can read every bit of the brilliance that invariably leaks from my fingers as I type.....

Or you can just wait until the restoration of business-as-usual here. Like I said, this is just a temporary thing to give me some time and breathing room to think about all of this.

*Trust me, you don't want to know. Which is the same response that I will give to any requests for clarification via e-mail, IM, phone, in person over drinks** or in any other context. I will register my confusion about why anyone would go through the trouble of seeking out material that they know from repeated previous experience that they will find upsetting, but I'll leave it at that....other than maybe to say if you read that last line and thought, 'aha, I know who it is now,' you're almost certainly wrong.
**Well, unless it's Laphroaig and you're buying. Then anything's possible....
***Which is not a request for advice on how to deal with it, as you can tell from the fact that I've turned off comments on this entry. This might sound weird out of context, but due to the particulars, none of the obvious options (shrug off yesterday's weirdness as not a big deal and continue my usual blogging practices, learn a much more thorough kind of self-censorship, etc.) are particularly attractive to me, so I just need some time to mull it over. Again, really not a big deal.

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