Kettins_Bob My Journal Of talents too various to mention, He's nowadays drawing a pension, But in earlier days, His wickedest ways, Were entirely a different dimension. |
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Mood: Apologetic Read/Post Comments (2) |
2003-10-30 9:17 PM Comments are very welcome! Apologetic because unintentionally I managed to turn off the commenting facility, or perhaps didn't turn it on properly. Hopefully it is now back on and my grateful thanks to Kathy for solving both problems.
Speaking of comments, have you noticed the increasing tendency for TV News presenters to believe that their comments are as important as the facts they are supposedly paid to convey? My vote for the most irritating presenter is that awful man on Fox TV, Willian Oh'Really, who never lets anyone say anything before interrupting them. My favourite, is the lady on CNN - Christina (?) Ammancourt, someone who combines a rare intelligence with real experience in nasty foreign places and who has excellent manners. And since Halloween is upon us, some topical speculations about the broomstick as a method of transport, having seen my son-in-law construct two of them today. 1] If bumblebees shouldn't fly according to the 'laws' of physics, but do, why are we so sure that broomsticks can't fly (or didn't)? 2] When flying on a broomstick does one need the regulation flashing lights? 4] If broomsticks could fly, where would they go to in Winter? 5] Perhaps the Law of Gravity applies only to non-broomsticks? 6] Do broomsticks qualify as 'stealth' devices or is that restricted to the CIA versions only? 7] What would you do if you saw someone fly past your window on a broomstick a] ring the police b] check out the whereabouts of your mother-in-law or c] ignore it and have another stiff drink (answers on a postcard please) 8] If Harry Potter can master flying on a broomstick in a few hours, why does it take airline pilots years and years and they still can't land a plane without a damn great runway? 9] Does the Government know how to make broomsticks fly and is keeping it from us because it has shares in Boeing? 10] How many people can your average broomstick carry before its wheels fall off? Read/Post Comments (2) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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