Kettins_Bob My Journal Of talents too various to mention, He's nowadays drawing a pension, But in earlier days, His wickedest ways, Were entirely a different dimension. |
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Mood: Tired Read/Post Comments (0) |
2003-11-06 1:48 AM Excuses for not writing today The storm had gone this morning leaving behind piles of thick leaf litter and the lanes littered with bits of broken branches, all under a clear blue sky with just the odd high cloud. The local bird population seems to have survived more or less intact, unless one counts the increasing number of pheasants to be seen on the roads.
About this time of year the more intelligent pheasants, preferring freedom and starvation to regular meals and a load of buckshot, pack their suitcases and migrate off the local estate in numbers to the village where they believe they are safer. There is a small road bridge over the burn in the middle of the village and last year at about this time of year I watched one afternoon as four of these brilliantly coloured birds spent a good half hour jumping onto the bridge parapet, walking along it to the other side of the bridge, and then repeating the performance.Why where they doing it? I can offer no explanation other than they found it interesting, or amusing, or they really don't understand the concept of a bridge. It has been a bit like that today. Fully intending to get in a solid days scribbling, I made the mistake of believing it was possible. Not so. A neighbour of ours had to go into hospital suddenly yesterday afternoon and we were looking after her dog, so of course the morning was taken up with dog feeding, medicating and walking, and the afternoon in driving into Dundee to bring her home from the hospital etc. The result of course is that I didn't start writing until after dinner this evening, never a very good time, although a very good dinner! So I offer for your comment the following favourite excuses I use for not writing. 1] I'm far too tired to do it properly 2] The dog needs a walk, preferably to the pub. 3] I can't write without coffee and we have just run out of the stuff. 4] It's far too nice a day to stay indoors 5] Who can write when the weather is so depressing? 6] The garden/house/almost anything needs urgent attention. 7] My keyboard isn't cooperating today 8] Sorting out the usual pile of crap emails about Viagra and ladies with peculiar tendencies. 9] An intellectual stimulation deficit brought on by unwisely watching more than ten minutes of television 10] I know there was a plot yesterday, but today it seems to have got lost somewhere in the pile of washing up. 11] My main character has just /gone on holiday/been arrested/been run over by a bus/caught a bad dose of something debilitating/ etc Any others?? Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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