Kettins_Bob My Journal Of talents too various to mention, He's nowadays drawing a pension, But in earlier days, His wickedest ways, Were entirely a different dimension. |
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Mood: Curious Read/Post Comments (0) |
2005-01-12 9:07 PM The Great Storm ..... Some of you may recall the episode in the Vicar of Dibley where two of the characters spend time comparing "Great Storm" stories. A bit like that here today. The wind last night was very strong - and we are supposed to have been on the "sheltered side" of Scotland. We narrowly missed running into a fallen tree on the way home yesterday evening and this morning the neighbourhood roads were littered with both trees and substantiantial chunks off trees that had taken a battering.
We are told by the media of course that it is all our fault because it is all due to global warming caused by using our cars to get to the shops (what the f**k) do they expect us to use? Camels? Yaks? Personally I don't take kindly to be made to feel guilty just because I use electricity and gasoline in very moderate quantities. The guilt peddling tree-huggers forget one essential fact - that both gasoline and electricity keep us from chopping down more trees and keeping warm with great roaring log fires and producing yet more CO2. Coal, gasoline, oil, all come from rotted down vegetation and millions of years of slow processing deep underground. If we burn them and get CO2 and the earth warms up the chances are it will result in everywhere reverting to Brazilian Jungle and in due course everything will rot and decompose and millions of years later produce more coal and oil. So far from contributing to global warming I think all we are doing is helping to recycle the planet's carbon resources. It might involve some rather rougher weather, and perhaps we get to hunt jaguars just off the M25 some time soon, but what the hell, lets go for it! And just to show you can't trust the experts, the weather forecasters were, as late as yesterday morning, predicting winds of 30-40mph. In the event, they reached 120+ ! Was there an apology in evidence today? No Sir! And they ask us to believe in global warming!!!! Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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